
Singer Asa reveals why she kept her virginity till age 28

ASA and Funmi Iyanda
35 years old phenomenal singer ASA has revealed in a new interview
that she was a late starter and didn’t loose her virginity until the age
of 28.

In the interview which was held two years ago by TV host Funmi
Iyanda,  ASA talks about how she lived a sheltered life while growing
up, believing that her dream man would come knocking on her door to
sweep her off her feet.

According to Asa, like most ladies, she had the perfect picture of
the type of man she wanted, but as she grew and no tall, dark and
handsome man came knocking, she began to compromise on her standards.
28, I knew there was a problem and I told my mother and manager, my
mother told me what to expect the first time with a man” the singer

Shocked, the host asked ASA if she was implying that there was no
intimate relationship of any kind until that period, the singer replies
“Nothing at all”
Recall there was a time ASA got bullied severally and called a lesbian all because she was never linked romantically to any man.

“I got out of my shell and even started wishing for a four feet man” she said!


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