
Read the miraculous thing that happened to a lady after her phone was snatched

Miraculous thing that happened after a biker snatched a phone.

A Liberian has taken to social media to explain how a motorcyclist who snatches people’s phones got caught. In the story shared on Facebook, the thief snatched a woman’s phone from her while she was standing beside the road and waiting for a  bus with her child. Immediately the thief snatched the phone, he sped off with his bike. Unfortunately for him, he lost control of the bike resulting in him landing on the tarred road. The accident rendered his head with a deep cut which prevented him from being able to get up. Even the mob that gathered took pity on him. To add salt to his injury, his bike was immediately missing and the phone he snatched was handed back to the woman. Read more below.



This morning at about 9:30-10am a familiar but strange thing happened. A girl and her kid were standing along the road right in front of the Paynesville Community School in the JOE BAR, PAYNESVILLE trying to get a taxi for home from Church. A motorbike rider quietly approached them and snatched the lady phone by surprise.

Unexpectedly for the lady her phone was successfully snatched by the Motorbike rider. But within a minute got quite unfortunate, a miracle occurred…Maybe it was an intervention from HEAVEN ??. The motorbike rider felled to the ground and was badly hurt to the extend he couldn’t get up or move a micro inch. Even the rushing angry mob felt pity for him. His head apparently hit the coal tar so hard and he was dragged by his own bike. It was a very deep cut at the back of his head from which thick blood ouched and spread on the motor road.

In the process he lost his bike to an unknown person and the phone was given back to girl(who was shivering with fear and surprise). It had a little crack from the fall too. His wallet which contained 150LD was taken away.I doubt if he survives,the rider will ever steal again or be a normal person.

After 20mins the police arrived and along with some passers-by helped him through another rider to leave the” scene…maybe for treatment at a nearby Hospital.

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