
Hisbah and Nigerian police allegedly shutdown Igbo traders’ shops in Kano, beat them up (photos)

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According to one Onyedika Anambra Emmanuel on Facebook, the Hisbah police and the Nigerian police force allegedly beat up igbo traders in Kano.

According to him, the hisbah police shutdown the shops of the Igbo trader in Sabo Gari Igbo market Kano today and asked them to go back home. The traders decided to protest as they were not given a concrete reason for locking down their shops, then the Nigerian and hisbah police beat them up leaving about 20 injured with some having fractured bones.
He wrote:

Sad story .
This is my brother Emmanuel Augustine , this morning he was brutally beaten by hishba police and Nigerian police of Kano state to the extent of fracturing the two bones in each of his legs .
According to his own account , before he got to sabongari market Kano this morning, hishba and Nigerian police had blocked the market asking traders to go back home, when the traders mobilized to protest against the attempt to shutdown their business premise, the Islamic police, hishba and Nigerian police unleashed a gruesome attack on them, unfortunately my brother and about 20 other Igbo traders were victims of the heinous attack


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