
Movie Review: Femi Jacobs’ prowess couldn’t salvage the sour taste of Daddy 

daddy movie review

In celebration of World’s Fathers Day, which falls on June 18th this year, a new Nigerian movie, ‘Daddy’ premiered at the cinemas over the weekend. We are here to tell you what we think!

Daddy is seemed like an emotionally-charged film that explores the multifaceted nature of fatherhood. 

We were made to believe that Daddy is about the protective role of fathers and father figures, the trials and tribulations they face, and the lengths to which they’ll go to keep their loved ones safe.

The movie also weaves around a second narrative which focuses on the darker aspects of society, namely criminality and its harrowing consequences. 

The Characters

Daddy boasts an impeccable cast, including the likes of Femi Jacobs, Munachi Abii, and Charles Inojie, but sadly, these beautiful Script Interpreters didn’t salvage the boredom the movie brought upon us.

The 1 hour, 40 minutes movie tells the story of a beautiful couple with their adorable daughter. The baby girl obviously wanted more time with Daddy, who is always caught up with work. 

To make it up to his daughter, Daddy (lead character played by Femi Jacobs), with the consent of his pregnant wife (Munachi Abii) decides to have a day out with his princess, and the whole plan went sour! She was kidnapped!

It was highly expected that after the kidnapping, the ‘Real’ movie would start. That ‘Gheen Gheen’ part of movies, we always expect (as Nigerians would say). 

We were disappointed to see what makes less sense play out for the next one hour plus, as Femi Jacobs runs after his child’s kidnappers for what seems like forever!

The kidnappers, on their part, were more confused by the constant flashbacks and tantrums. It ended up looking like a child’s play, Kids playing hide and seek.

We understand that “Daddy” seem to incorporate spiritual elements, specifically the Christian faith, in a modern, relatable manner. Perhaps the reason Femi did all he had to do (which is, by the way, not logical) was to save his daughter.

Munachi Abii, and Charles Inojie acting in ‘Daddy’

The film also uses the Lord’s Prayer and the concept of a heavenly Father as an anchor throughout the narrative. Munachi Abii, and Charles Inojie

Femi Jacobs, Munachi Abii, and Charles Inojie, as usual, gave us a riveting performance, but nothing beats a well-written Script and great interpretation. The movie lacks depth and leaves you fighting to stay awake the whole time. 

We were able to see different parts of Lagos, the good, bad and ugly Island to the mainland, but that wasn’t worth the money spent and time wasted.

In conclusion, Daddy is not a blockbuster movie and shouldn’t be in the Cinemas. For the efforts of attempting something different and being on the road for almost all parts of the movie, it’s a 5/10.

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