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Photos of Osinachi Nwachukwu’s husband who beat her to death, surface online

late osianachi and husband

Photos of late Gospel singer; Osinachi Nwachukwu and her husband, Peter Nwachukwu have now surfaced online.

Kemi Filani recalls that the popular Ekwueme singer, Osinachi died hours ago after allegedly being a coma for five days following the beatings she received from her husband.

Confirming that she was indeed murdered by her husband, singer Frank Edward recalled one of the times he had a conference call with her and how her husband was jealous of her success.

According to him, a lot of people spoke to her to leave but she stayed, letting her husband always control which event she goes to minister in and also letting him collect all the money she makes.

“She is always hiding to call people or responding to invitations. I tried my best to help but she keeps saying my husband, my husband, let me talk to him…I wished it didn’t end this way at all” Frank Edward revealed on His Insta story.

 “This was not the first time he had raised his hands on her. He literally turned Sis. Osinachi to his punching bag as he beats her at will. He made her ministry and life in general Hell for her.” another source revealed.

Also, a show organizer who invited her for a show in Lagos in 2019 revealed his encounter with Peter Nwachukwu.

According to the show promoter, her husband made her appearance at the show impossible that she had to sneak out of the house to attend the event.

Despite making himself her manager, he would lock her up in the house even on days she had events and concerts so she wouldn’t show up at the event despite being paid for it. This made show organizers to stop inviting her for shows.

See photos of her husband in recently taken shots below:

Late Osinachi and husband

You’ll see this photo and think she was happy in the marriage, but she was dying in silence.

Osinachi and her husband, Peter Nwachukwu

Meanwhile, more celebrities have weighed in on the sad news.

Laura Ikeji wrote, “If he/she abuses you physically or mentally, LEAVE!!! Physical abuse never ends. Do it for you! LEAVE TO LIVE FOR YOURSELF N FAMILY”.

Daddy Freeze wrote, “Could this really be true? If it were then only confirms what I have been teaching all along. Leave a bad marriage, leave a bad marriage, they will say Daddy Freeze is the antichrist. If she had listened to me 3 years ago when I was shouting on every mountain and in every valley, she would be alive And well today. What many of you religious consider ‘endurance’ in marriage, is suicide loading”.

He further wrote, “As seen on @instablog9ja I really hope this story is not true, because if it is; it only proves that the big church narrative is a failure, while the ‘endurance race’ marriage philosophy is pure evil”.

Mary Remmy Njoku, “Your pastor will not die with you when he kills you! Your family and friends will blame you for leaving and when you are dead, blame you for staying. Leave! Leave! Get out! Run for your life. You deserve to be happy!!! You deserve to be alive!! Men no dey finish!!!! NOT all marriages are ordained by God! The God you serve cannot ordain your perpetual torture!!? Some spouses are demons in human form. Don’t let anyone confuse you with bible quotes till he kills you!! Run!!!!!! I am still shaken by the news of her death! I am angry”.

Doris Ogala, “She don die Abi? They will say keep quiet…stay in ur husband’s house… protect ur husband…endure…as if life have duplicate…Kai…GOD punish who ever that will tell me to keep quiet next time…fight for your marriage…protect your man…. protect kill you there….chai…hmmmmm..I’m bleeding..this is a big lesson…learnt in a hard way..Kai….I can’t even type RIP…Kai”.



  1. jeffy

    April 9, 2022 at 9:43 pm

    i applaud this mama… if she would still praise God and servr and minister amidst her afflictions, then trully there is God. how her songs are annointed.. how she sang her heart out for God, she really has taught me to focus on God. my life will never b the same again!!! i am blessed so much, if at all she went through all this, then God is trully faithful!!

    • Anonymous

      April 10, 2022 at 12:40 pm

      She was just too anointed and gifted for this man. Please single ladies pray hard and ask God if that brother proposing marriage to you is ordained by Him. Let satan not suceed in destroying your destiny by arranging a counterfeit husband for you to marry!

    • Ifunanya

      April 10, 2022 at 9:40 pm

      This man is very wicked infact God will punish him. This will serve as a lesson to all married men and women, no go do for better for worse till they kill you.

    • Xtine

      April 12, 2022 at 1:49 pm

      Mba. Yes she is a child of God but she should have exposed the man for the wife beater he is. That is God’s truth. If you die because you refuse to deny the Gospel, it is different. God makes a way of escape for Christians yoked to unbelievers according to St Paul. Do not make this seem like the correct way to behave on her part. She should have run. An insecure man is a child of the devil. See where it led them.

  2. Martha Mituka

    April 9, 2022 at 10:50 pm

    This is a painful thing why most Artist dying silently am also an Artist eish …. this death mmmmm God have mercy on us.

  3. Folashade Kolawole

    April 10, 2022 at 3:12 am

    I don’t understand why some women are hell bent on staying in a toxic relationship . SMH

    • Michael Fiafiawei Holy

      April 12, 2022 at 10:46 am

      What a wicked world we are leaving. No wonder the Bible says the heart of men is desperately wicked. I feel like crying, my heart is weeping right now, since when I hear the death of this great minister of God and the last message she dropped as a song. Lord please behold the soul of your daughter and let her make it to Heaven in Jesus Name. Amen

  4. Adaure

    April 10, 2022 at 3:49 pm

    How can her husband be beating her and she remained in the so called marriage? Some people would say ”because of her children” which kin children? Now she is dead. Are the children not there? Women should learn please. Some men feel insecure when their wives are making more money than they are. Jealousy sets in. You are in a marriage and the man is beating you, my dear RUN. Leave everything behind and run with your life. Leave children if possible and RUN RUN RUN. There are somethings you cannot amend.
    A word is enough for the wise.

  5. Jed Brown

    April 10, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    Without judgement some marriages don’t worry. Run when the red flags are flashing, please.

  6. Anonymous Kenyan

    April 10, 2022 at 6:05 pm

    I woman cant sing like this and not be able to hear the voice of God to know the will of God. She has pursued the will of God and has not allowed even death to dissuade her from turning to the left or to the right. What shall separate us?Not even death, for we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Even if God slay me yet will I remain in His will.
    Before we say the church failed her, God failed her, the pastor failed her, the community failed her etc, let us remember that God is sovereign and nothing takes him by surprise.

    • PstChisom

      April 12, 2022 at 2:10 pm

      I agree with you. This is also a case of giving gold to pig as the bible describes it. Eternity is most important. The mistake has been made. To live is Christ and to Die is gain.

  7. Anonymous

    April 10, 2022 at 7:57 pm

    God have mercies upon all that is being afflicted under the name of marriage!!

    • Xtine

      April 12, 2022 at 1:57 pm

      You are wrong. She did not die for the gospel. She died because she was married to an abusive man and refused to denounce him as the wife beater he is. Now she is dead, he most probably will die in prison and the children will be left without parents and totally traumatized by this evil. God cannot be mocked.
      Please do not let our words mock HIM. TRUTH IS LIGHT, TRUTH IS GOD, TRUTH IS A SWORD THAT SCATTERS THE LIES OF HOMES WHERE EVIL IS COVERED. Beating is not suffering for the gospel. Accepting to be a victim of such repeated trauma is fear and fear is from the pit of hell.

    • PstChisom

      April 12, 2022 at 2:13 pm

      Amen. One gets to a point in the ministry that he/she cannot afford the scandal of marriage. It will automatically destroy it. Bearing in mind that our society will not understand. God help us all.

  8. Nkoro obinna

    April 10, 2022 at 9:38 pm

    It’s painful and unbelievable that my role model,a woman of virtue, compassion and long-suffering is dead please d world hear me i will stop from where she stopped.Rip my lovely mum.Nkoro obinna cares.

  9. Nkoro obinna

    April 10, 2022 at 9:42 pm

    Oga Killa u Sabi ooh .I wonder how u feel a star that everyone in d world is trying to be like came to u and u loosed her just like that?no b juju b that? Hmmm na hell u deyoooh

    • Anonymous

      April 13, 2022 at 4:13 am

      Na so. Wicked generation

  10. Lira

    April 10, 2022 at 10:52 pm

    May Osinachi soul Rest In Peace. I wish she had left that marriage for her sake and the sake of her children. Any woman who has children and stays in an abusive marriage does not truly love her children and is a bad mother. Osinachi put her marriage first and now her children will suffer the most now that she is gone. This her husband will not only take control the children but he will also beat and maltreat them and marry another woman. Women put your children first!!!

  11. Lira

    April 10, 2022 at 10:53 pm

    May Osinachi soul RIP.

  12. Lira

    April 10, 2022 at 11:00 pm

    I wish she had left her marriage for the sake of her children. Any woman who has children with an abusive husband and stays in that marriage does not truly love her children. Osinachi did not do right by her children. she did not care about their future and the emotional wounds they will bear for the rest of their lives. She put her marriage first and forgot her children. Now that she is gone, her children will suffer the most. They will go through alot of pains growing up and her husband will beat and maltreat them and still marry another woman. Mothers please put the welfare of your children before marriage. marriage is not as important as your children. Osinachi chose to stay and now her children will suffer the most. very sad

  13. Anonymous

    April 11, 2022 at 6:50 am

    What a wicked world, Osinachi was trying to cover up for a man who has no shame in perpetrating his evil acts. If there is any thing to be learned, it is the fact that women should stop making excuses for abusive men, they will play the guilt trick on you and tell you how it is your stupidity that is bringing the punishment on you. Some women even believe they deserve the beating, that is how bad someone’s mind can be manipulated. Osinachi, the anointed evangelist, God is using your death to save many, even though you didn’t have to die for that to happen, but I know that even God was tired of watching you go through hell while you were busy praying he would change a man that doesn’t want to change. My heart bleeds in pain for this great loss to the body of Christ.

  14. Blessed Daniel

    April 11, 2022 at 10:51 am


  15. Sharon

    April 11, 2022 at 11:20 am

    This man is a very wicked man,so cruel,kai I don’t even know what to say about this man.

  16. Pastor Bayo

    April 11, 2022 at 6:24 pm

    To be honest, marriage is for betterforbest but the worst should not be from each other because it is an institution ordained by God for benefits. But it was when Satan visited Eve and they eat that fruit since then Satan had had the upper hand in the marriage. Especially Christian couples. Therefore, a woman can protect her family before getting too late with prayers and patience, but in the situation where the two are not working, the danger is looming. Once the marital issues have resulted in domestic violence, separation is inevitable which later turns into a divorce. The woman is no longer in a safe hand when she has been turned into a bouncing bag from the hands, whom God has created to be helping her and make her be safe (Husband). Therefore, her pastor also needs to be questioned, may he or she had aware of domestic violence and the involvement The candid advice to all singles is to pray fervently before choosing your life partners. To the married couples voice out for help if your marital issues have turned to domestic violence. May God comfort her family including the children.

  17. Oginni oladunni Adunola

    April 11, 2022 at 9:11 pm

    What a great loss
    That ugly looking man does not even deserve her.
    May her gentle soul rest in peace

  18. Anonymous

    April 12, 2022 at 1:07 am

    I am locsted in st maarten in the caribbean. It is so sad to hear that new.may her soul rest in eternal peace.Rip my sister

  19. Blossom

    April 12, 2022 at 12:31 pm

    This man is a wolf in sheep’s clothing I swear, a pure devil. He’s not worthy to be called a pastor at all. Am still keen to know the church he pastors. Dunamis? Pastor Paul eneche’s church? Is he the pastor that asked her to remain in the marriage? Please I really want to know. As for that man of a husband, God will destroy him

  20. Xtine

    April 12, 2022 at 1:44 pm

    Hmm. It is very good for a woman to have self worth and understand the bible. Be thou not shackled with unbelievers. God hates divorce because of the resultant risk of infidelity not because someone must run to save her life. As for the husband, the reward for 1st degree murder should be handed down to him and a public example be made so that wife beaters. He must not be set free. God will punish all evil doers who commit evil because they are married to children of God.

  21. Eva alan

    April 12, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    You dey see so osinachi our lovely mum see wenti you don put your self too many love now your evil husband don kill you oh god may her soul rest in peace i pray make she still make heaven make she no suffer for earth come suffer for hell make heaven

  22. Soji Omole

    April 12, 2022 at 8:43 pm

    It still leaves much to be decided why people will still stick to the oldness of the letter, instead of discretion and leading of The Spirit. Am dissapointed at Mrs Enenches statement. She could as well kept quiet.
    But the truth still remains God hates divorce BUT He still loves divorcees

    • Anonymous

      April 12, 2022 at 11:40 pm

      That was an old post…….

  23. Lydia

    April 15, 2022 at 2:27 pm

    Why are people so wicked,he killed her for nothing anyway may her soul REST IN PEACE

  24. Blessing toluwani

    April 16, 2022 at 12:17 pm

    This world is a wicked world you guyz should not blame the pastor cus the pastor won’t say she should leave her marriage eventhough he is the one that join them together he can’t seperate them no matter what….osinachi truly loves her husband but the man is just a devil in human cloth may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace

  25. Blessing

    April 16, 2022 at 12:21 pm


  26. Anonymous

    April 26, 2022 at 11:06 pm

    God forgive him is a beat in human form. May her soul rest in peace.

    • Chizzy

      April 27, 2022 at 9:23 am

      God knows the best, rest in peace

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