Entertainment News

Bobrisky, James Brown risk 6 months imprisonment

James Brown Bobrisky

Nigerian celebrity Cross dressers Bobrisky, James Brown and others risk six months jail term.

This is coming after the House of Representatives move to ban cross-dressing in the country, following a new bill proposed by a member of the house, Umar Muda.


The bill which was read aloud on the House floor on Tuesday, April 5, seeks to outlaw cross-dressing, with the exception of individuals who do it for amusement purposes. 

The bill proposes to alter the 2013 Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act by inserting cross-dressing as one of the act’s offenses. If passed into law, crossdressers such as Bobrisky, James Brown and others risk six months imprisonment. 

“A person engaging in cross-dressing is guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment of 6 months or to a fine of N500,000,” the bill reads.  

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