
When a stranger becomes a lover! Cindy and John prewedding pictures and love story

The magnificence of love is the means by which it comes to us in manners that we don’t anticipate. At the beginning your love is an outsider and before you know it, you’re making a special effort to satisfy them.

Cindy and John are a particularly delightful couple. Their romantic tale began on Facebook and it is stunning to see how strangers who met via social media are taking on their eternity love journey.  Six years after John’s diligent Facebook messages, the two are getting married and we have their beguiling pre-wedding go for you.

How We Met
By the bride, Cindy

In 2014, He was writing to me on Facebook and because I was in a relationship at the time, I constantly ignored him. He was so persistent and refused to back down. My boyfriend at the time took his number from his Facebook page to discourage him from further contacting me.

Then in 2016, he reached out to tell me that my boyfriend was getting married. Of course, I didn’t believe him. Then he sent me the pictures as proof. This left me devastated. He proceeded to console me and we became friends. I wasn’t romantically interested in him at first. I just wanted to be alone at the time.

On one of his visits to Nigeria, he asked that we meet. I went with my sister because I wanted to deter him. The moment I set my eyes on him, we clicked instantly. Early 2020, he asked me to meet him in Lagos because he bought a house and he wanted to show me the property. After the viewing, he asked me out for a celebratory dinner date. He then proposed and the rest they say is history.

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