
I wanted a Man like my dad – Chinwe and Kunle’s true love story

We are pleased to share with you the beautiful pre-wedding session of lovebirds, Chinwe and Kunle.

Love story:
When I was 13years old, I always wondered who my husband will be.
I had envisioned the wedding but couldn’t place the man. How would he look? Would he be gentle? Will he allow me be myself? Will he be God-fearing like Daddy?

I am Daddy’s Princess but will my husband treat me as one……’s funny because I was a child but I knew what I wanted.

Over the years, I started to think maybe I was in Lala land at 13 and maybe Life was tougher than I thought and maybe I wasn’t destined to have a good man….and then July 2015 happened, and I met this man.

The rest they say is history….. has it been easy? Nope!…Is he perfect? Nah fam! But every single day, it gets clearer to me that God has a plan for me, I also understand why we were destined to meet. Two and a half years down and we haven’t killed each other but our Love has grown every single day… and baby I will choose you over and over again because you are everything and more than I could imagine even at 13

Photo @klalaphotography
Makeup @makeupbychinny
Dress @coverbyhamdi
Bride @c.duchess

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