
Nigerian Man testifies after Wife walked out alive from this ghastly accident in Abuja (photos)

A man has become really ecstatic, offering praises to God after his wife emerged from a terrible accident alive.

Onoride Kevin, a Nigerian man whose wife emerged from an accident alive, has given thanks to God.

The man’s wife survived the terrible accident that saw their car somersault in Abuja earlier today.

Onoride went on Facebook to celebrate.

According to Onoride, his wife was on her way to work when a speeding car clashed with her own along airport road. Her own vehicle plunged into the gutter but she was quite unharmed.
The grateful man shared photos from the accident scene and then wrote the following words.

”…and I will give MY angels charge over you so you would not dash your foot against a stone… ” and so the almighty God preserved the life of my wife this morning as a fast moving car hit her car from behind as she was driving to work on the airport road Abuja ….

…and the hosts of angels carried the car over the huge gutter to the other side while the other car sommersualted into the gutter. We thank God no life was lost but a few injuries here and there..Only God can can do this.. TO YOU ALONE WE GIVE THE PRAISE!!!

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