Kingsley Moghalu emerges YPP presidential candidate
Former deputy governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Kingsley Moghalu has emerged the presidential candidate under the Young Progressive Party (YPP).
At the party’s first national convention and presidential primaries held in Abuja on Saturday, Moghalu’s only opponent, Donald Igwegbu stepped down for him.
The former United Nations officer also earned 243 out of 253 votes by accredited delegates.
Accepting the victory, Moghalu said, “More than ever before, Nigeria needs to be driven by a vision, informed by a worldview that determines everything else. Up till about 40 years ago, China was viewed as a basket case; overpopulated, unproductive and ruined economically by policies of the decades prior to that. Today, they snap their fingers and nearly every single African Head of state shows up in China with their hands out, eager for Chinese largesse. That’s what a country driven by a worldview can achieve. In accepting the presidential ticket of this great party, I stand here before you to say that Nigeria is fully capable of achieving greatness at home and abroad in our lifetimes. But this cannot happen with the normal way of doing things, the so-called Nigerian way“.