
Wicked! Man stones girlfriend to death over phone

Woman twerks on dead body

The relationship between Miss Roseline Ijeoma Christopher, who was 23
years old and her boyfriend, one Lawrence Ufan Ette ended in a tragic
mood as the boyfriend allegedly stoned the pretty Rose to death on Sunday.

The late girlfriend

According to the landlady of the deceased Miss Dorothy Bassey who
resides at 13 Academy Street, Calabar, Roseline met her untimely death
as a result of a brawl with her boy friend who is now on the run.

The Arochukwu-born fair girl never knew that last Sunday was her last
day on earth when Lawrence sneaked in as usual to see her. It was
gathered that there was a misunderstanding between them which led her to
tell Lawrence to leave her room.”Unknown to her, when he left, he took along her phone and after some
time, Nne, Ijeoma’s younger sister wanted to chat on ‘to go’ and asked
the elder sister for the phone but the phone was nowhere to be found.
“That was when she discovered that the boy had picked the phone and
she told Nne that the phone had been taken away by Lawrence who just
left the room.”
Nne, the landlady said, was angry over what Lawrence did and decided
to go after him. When the boyfriend came back to the house, he
exchanged words with Roseline and she asked him to give her the phone
but he would not and a fight ensued.
“She did not scream while they were struggling because she wanted to
send him away quietly without arousing the mother but that was her
mistake as Lawrence stepped out of the room and got a stone and went
inside and hit her”. The young landlady said.
When he realized that Roseline was dead, Lawrence allegedly attempted to dispose of the body by throwing it over the fence.
The body of the deceased had been taken to the mortuary of the
General Hospital Calabar while the suspected assailant had disappeared
to the thin air.
A source at his 10 Anating Street in Calabar South where he resides
after the alleged killing said he “hurriedly came here and packed some
clothes into a bag and left and has since not been seen. His mother died
some two months ago and the father is hypertensive now he has gone to
kill his girl friend, his life has come to a close,”
The Police Public Relations Officer, of the state command, DS P John
Umoh said the matter which was reported at Atakpa Police Station was
being handled by the homicide unit of the police adding that, “it will
not be long before we get him, the advisable thing for him to do is to
come out of hiding now.”

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