
Ubi Franklin’s home gutted by fire (Photos)

 Music executive, Ubi Franklin revealed this morning that his home was

According to him, he woke up to see his home engulfed in flames
but was able to put it out.
See photos below:

Just a few months ago, Ubi, in a statement posted on his Instagram account, recounted how,
between July 2016 and March 2017, he struggled hard to overcome bouts of
depression that nearly pushed him to commit suicide.
During that period, he noted, his life took a turn for the worse and he practically lost control of his actions.

Ubi said that he was in such a bad shape emotionally that he paid
regular visits to the hospital in search of a solution to his

Also, he kept on showing up at events looking lost and drained. But
he was only just pretending that everything was alright and nothing was
wrong with him.

The music promoter added that at the peak of his struggle to shake
off depression, he decided to indulge himself by purchasing a
state-of-the art car that he had always dreamed of. But the strategy
On his way home from work one Saturday night, Ubi recalled, his head
was filled with thoughts of suicide. The urge to take his life had
suddenly become quite strong. But he managed to shrug it off by thinking
about his son’s welfare and future.

Acknowledging the role played by members of his family and his close
friends towards his recovery, Ubi said they did a lot to lift up his
spirit in his dark moments.

But the real solution to his predicament came when he finally
realised that he was carrying a “baggage” and all that he needed to do
was pray his way out of depression

He wrote: “I was quite depressed and it became so bad that my life
began to deteriorate so much that I literally couldn’t eat nor sleep and
other members of my family and my close friends became really scared.

“I had thought that the depression would stop at this point, but, to
my dismay, it didn’t. Even after I finished paying for my mortgage, it
grew worse.

“I was so scared and all I kept saying and asking myself was ‘Who
will take care of my son? I got home and started acting in a funny
manner. My security guard had already turned on the generator. I
screamed at him to turn it off that I needed some peace and quiet. I was
in that dark house all by myself and everything was falling part.”

Advising his fans, friends and colleagues to fight depression with
prayers, he wrote, “Brothers and sisters, I want to admonish you today
to pray fervently. Don’t let anything or the Devil to break you. I
assure you that some things won’t matter after some time.”

Although Ubi did not mention it in his post, some Nigerians who
commented below his post have speculated that his encounter with
depression was remotely triggered by the breakup of his marriage to
Nollywood actress Lilian Esoro and his split from long-time friend and
business partner – Inyanya.


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