
Super Eagles Brown Ideye In N167.5m Child Support Mess

Super Eagles player, Brown Ideye faces a tough match that he would only play safe and reasonable to win.

It’s a match that would cost him N167.5m, win or lose. However, the
arena for the game is in the home, which makes it complicated for him to

This involves a child paternity duel he is engrossed in in
Switzerland, and this matter arose from a goal he scored against himself
with a lady he once dated in the city of Neuchatel, Switzerland, where
he once played.

Friday afternoon, a lady called with +4179*****84 who identified herself as Francesca Erroi and from Neuchatel, Switzerland.

She narrated in chocking and hushed voice how she had affairs with
Ideye when she worked as secretary of the club Ideye played. The affair
was fertile enough and resulted in a baby boy.

But as the baby arrived, Ideye allegedly exonerated himself of every duty of paternal care.

Francesca waited for a change of heart from Ideye until the boy was
three that she had the only option of going to court to force him do the
needful and live up to his responsibility.

On October 14, 2014, a Swiss court gave a judgment that ordered Ideye
to pay Francesca 216,000 Swiss Francs or $225,000, some N36m at the
prevailing rate then as retroactive child support sum.

Disregard for court order

She said a copy of the judgment was served Ideye when he was already a
player with the English side, West Bromwich Albion. While she is sure
Ideye was served, he never communicated with her or the child and also
didn’t appeal or obey the court order till today.

The court also ordered that Ideye pays his lady 6,000 Francs or some $6,500 monthly upkeep allowance for the child.

Today, the child is six years old and Francesca claimed that Ideye
never paid a dime either as the judgment lump sum or the monthly upkeep
as ordered by court. From three years ago, the judgment was handed down,
the monthly upkeep would be some $234,000 as at today. In addition to
the lump sum retroactive child support debt, Ideye should be liable to a
princely sum of N167,535,000 owed his little boy for his upkeep.
On November 16, 2014, The Local, a local newspaper at the time of the judgment reported it this way:

Swiss media report

A Swiss court has ordered Nigerian football star Ideye Brown to pay
his former partner, a resident of Neuchâtel, 216,000 francs ($225,000)
(N82,125,000) (N36m) in retroactive child support, in addition to future
monthly payments of 6,000 francs, (234,000) a media report says.

Brown, 26, a forward with English Premier League team West Bromwich
Albion, played for the Neuchâtel Xamax team from 2008 to 2010, where he
began a relationship with a secretary at the club, the local newspapers
L’Express and L’Impartial reported.

The relationship continued after the footballer was transferred to
Sochaux-Montbéliard, a second division French team, with his partner
making regular trips to see him in France.

However, after she became pregnant, Brown broke off ties with the woman, who gave birth to a baby boy in January 2011.

Brown rejected paternal responsibility but after three years of legal
procedures, the boy’s mother gained a decision from a civil court,
which on Friday ruled Brown is the child’s father, the newspapers

The court declared that the woman had the sole right to care for the
child while ordering the footballer to cough up the parental support.

Under the ruling, the payments for the child are to increase to 7,000
francs a month when he turns six and 8,000 francs a month when he is
12, payable until his studies are finished.

Brown, who reportedly did not appear before the court, has 30 days to decide whether to appeal the decision.” (

Her petition

To buttress her claims, Francesca sent Sunday Sun a mail, which is
actually a petition she said, she had prepared to forward to Nigerian
authorities, through the Nigerian Embassy in Switzerland she wrote on
October 6, the day she called.

The letter, she also forwarded in handwritten copy is reproduced below

Neuchâtel 6 October 2017

To Nigerian authorities

Dear Sir, Dear Madam,

I am Francesca and I am the mother of 6 years old boy who is son to Ideye Aide Brown, the Super Eagles football team player.

Here is the Neuchâtel court judgment which clearly says that Mr.
Ideye is the father of my son, and sentences Mr. Ideye to pay monthly
maintenance to my son.
this court decision of October 2014, that Mr. Ideye got when he was in
England and which he didn’t appeal, and by implication accepted, after
three years, he is still doing nothing for his son.

It’s shameful that a personality that represents Nigeria all over the
world doesn’t respect a court decision and abandons his own blood.

Is this the image that Nigeria wants to give about Nigerians all around the world?

Nobody is above the law.

As Mr. Ideye seems not to understand the importance of a court
decision, I formally request Nigerian authorities to intervene and
compel Mr. Ideye order to respect the sentence of the court and respect
his obligations as father to his son.

I remain willing at the disposal of the Nigerian authorities through their embassy in Switzerland.

Thank you for your attention.

Kind regards


My son is sad

Francesca also sent three photos she snapped with Ideye to prove her
point and they were taken on November 14, 2009 at 01:48am from the
automatic date imprint on it.

Later in the discussion, she became emotional when asked the last
time Ideye called and or spoke with her or his son. She said: “Ideye
never for once spoke with his son. I had the baby in January 2011, and
four months later, in May I got his phone number from someone and called
to speak with him,

“He just told me that he wishes me and my son success and that he has
nothing to do with the boy and not ready to pay any bills for his care
and upkeep.

“The most painful is that my son keeps crying asking what he did to
his father that he doesn’t want to ask of him or even speak with him. I
am really sad and confused because I don’t know an answer to give my son
about all the questions. I just wish Brown would be man and responsible
enough to take care of his son, call him and assure him he didn’t
abandon him and make him know he really has a father.”


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