
Release of abducted Dapachi christian girl aborted yesterday

The residents of Dapachi, Yobe state reportedly picked up information about Leah Sheribu’s possible release at about noon yesterday, March 24th, as Boko Haram members were alleged to be on their way to the town with her.

According to sources, the streets were quickly deserted as residents went into hiding,business owners closed immediately for the day, and animals were out of sight for fear that the Boko Haram members could have a change of plan.

Quite a large number of people even went as far as broadcasting the venue and time of her supposed release on their facebook pages and Whatsapp groups.

Soldiers who were deployed to the town also withdrew from all security checks leading in and out of the town in order to give the “visitors” a hitch free entry and departure.

The Police Inspector General, Ibrahim Idris who was supposed to visit the state also cancelled his scheduled trip as he told news men that Leah was expected to be released yesterday.

According to Idris,
I am supposed to go to Dapchi today (yesterday), but because I learnt that that schoolgirl, Leah, may be released today, that was why I had to shelve my trip to the town.

“It is very understandable that is such circumstance one does not create too much security presence in the area in a manner that it could sabotage the efforts being made there.

“You know, I move with helicopter, and by the time I fly into the area they (Boko Haram) may think I break what the understanding may have been there. So I have to postpone the visit to Dapchi.”

Sadly, throughout the day, family, friends, security operatives,and the entire residents of Dapachi town, waited in vain for the return of Leah Sheribu, the only girl still held captive by Boko Haram following the February 19, 2018 abduction of school girls in the town.

Rather disappointed, Leah’s father, Nathan Sheribu told news men today that she was yet to be returned.

He said:”I heard about the release of my daughter from the media. Many people were calling me and congratulating me but I have not seen my daughter up to the time we are talking now.”

With dashed hopes, one can only pray for the timely release of Leah Sheribu, the christian girl who refused to renounce her faith in the face of her abductors.

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