
Police defuse Bomb in Ikeja hotel

Nigerians sha! There is this news going viral that a bomb was discovered today in a room at Reliance Hotel located on Emina Crescent, off Toyin Street, Ikeja, Lagos. According to the rumour,  three men slept
in the hotel last night and checked out this morning but left behind a
package. The package which was later discovered to be a bomb, was found
when the hotel housekeeper went in to clean the room. The hotel promptly alerted the anti-bomb squad who cordoned off the area for hours working feverishly to defuse the bomb. (Hehehe#, see movie script oh!)

This is the pix going viral!!!

After it was defused, the bomb was reportedly brought out of the hotel before being taken away in a blue vehicle. The funny aspect of the rumour goes “we are awaiting some form of confirmation from police authorities on this incident.” (confirmation ko, confirmation ni, rumour mongers!)
What alerted me was the fact that while the rumour was going viral, local media almost got me confused with the “use of English words”…while some were saying “Police Detonated Bomb in certain Hotel..”

some said “Police defused
bomb in…” Well, thankGod for Google, Wikipedia and Oxford dictionary, To Detonate and To Defuse do not have the same meaning…you can check it out for yourself.
 I specifically sent a friend of mine who works around the reported Ikeja ‘Bomb scare Scene’ to confirm the incident and when he did, he said that nothing of such happened, adding that the place was calm with people moving around normally…
 Minutes ago, Rhythm 93.7 also
confirmed the rumour to be false…
It’s so disheartening that some respected
Nigerian online media can spread such rumours!!! Nawa oh…

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