
Police arraign painter, 26, over alleged reckless driving


Victor Sunday, a 26-year-old painter, appeared before a Kado Grade I Area Court in Abuja on Monday for allegedly driving recklessly without the necessary documents.

The police accused Sunday of driving without the necessary documentation, driving carelessly, and driving recklessly and dangerously in Jahi, Abuja, across from Sharp Corner.

The complainant, Mr. Alaba Sulieman of Jahi, Abuja, reported the incident at the Mabushi police station in Abuja on March 4 at around 5:10 p.m., according to the prosecution’s solicitor, Stanley Nwafoaku.

Nwafoaku claimed that on February 25, the complainant gave the defendant control of his Toyota Camry car so that he could paint it at his shop.

He added that the defendant made the decision to operate the vehicle recklessly and dangerously, without the proper documentation or due care, and without the complainant’s knowledge or permission.

The prosecution counsel said that Sunday mischievously damaged the vehicle, adding that the value of the damage made on the vehicle was yet unknown.

Nwafoaku said that during police investigation, the defendant admitted, but could not give satisfactory account of his actions.

According to him, the offences contravene Sections 45, 29 and 28 of the Road Traffic Act (RTA).

The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges preferred against him.

The Defence Counsel, Cajetan Nnaemeka, made a bail application for the defendant in the most liberal terms.

In making the application, Nnaemeka cited Section 36 of the 1999 Constitution and Section 158 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA), 2015, promising that the defendant would not jump bail, if granted.

The prosecution counsel did not, however, object the bail application made by the defense counsel.

The Judge, Muhammed Wakili, admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N100,000, with one surety in like sum.

Wakili said that the surety must provide a BVN print out, a recent passport photograph and a valid identification card, which must be verified by the court’s registrar.

The judge, thereafter, adjourned the matter till April 26 for hearing. (NAN)

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