
R.E.V.E.A.L.E.D! Taribo West Is A Big LIAR – Dailymail Report

Y’all know I hate sports alot…*covers face* but I just had to publish this. You remember Taribo West right?
Well, former Derby County, Plymouth and Inter Milan defender Taribo West has been
accused of lying about his age – for what now!
Taribo West while at PartizanThe former Nigeria centre half, now retired, joined Serbian team Partizan
Belgrade in 2002 after leaving Derby County and told club bosses he was 28.
But now the ex-president of Partizan, Zarko Zecevic, has accused him of
lying, saying the defender was actually 40. There’s more, read on…

Taribo West while at Partizan
Accusation: Taribo West was 40 – not 28 as he claimed – when he played for Partizan Belgrade, according to the club’s former president Zarko Zecevic.

‘He joined us saying he was 28. We only later found out he was 40, but he
was still playing well so I don’t regret having him on the team,’ Zecevic said.
But according to the Croatian media, the former defender known for his
colourful hairstyles also lied when trying to join Croatia’s Rijeka club.
At the age of 44, they said West told club doctors he was only 32.

Cross country: West with AC

Blue boy: West with Teddy Shedingham during Sir Alex Ferguson's testimonial match

It was only after an examination that the doctors raised suspicions with the
club because West’s knees suggested he was older – lmao!
He wasn’t signed to the team but later joined Plymouth and then Iranian side
Paykan FC, where he ended his career at the age of 46 in 2008.
Today his Wikipedia entry says he is 39.

Super Eagle: The Nigeria defender coloured his hair green to go with his national side's kit at France 98



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