
Nollywood Actor, Yomi Fash-Lanso Defines Fatherhood And Gives Insight

Popular Nollywood actor and producer Yomi Fash-Lanso in an interview has revealed what fatherhood/parenthood means to him and how he has managed his career and roles as a father
One of the key things he said was “If, as a father, you return home and your children are hiding at a corner, it shows you are not the commander of that home. “
See excerpts from his Interview 
According to stargist

What does fatherhood mean to you?

Let me say parenthood and not fatherhood alone because it is a combination of both. Parenthood is a responsibility that parents shoulder together. Fatherhood is thus a sole responsibility of the man as the mirror of the family to the extent that whatever happens in terms of the behavioural patterns of the children is traceable to the father.

How do you manage your career and roles as a father?

The important thing is that when one has a good woman as a wife, she will be there no matter how busy the husband is. She is the one that will make the children understand that their father is out trying to work to cater for the family. She will tell them not to miss their father too much. When the father is at home, the children must know that he is at home with the way he relates with them. When a man is out of the house, the children should miss him and even disturb their mother to call him to know when he will be home.
If, as a father, you return home and your children are hiding at a corner, it shows you are not the commander of that home. You need to adjust. Even if your children do anything wrong, they will still come to you and own up to what they did.They know that you will scold them, but you will do it lovingly. But when you overdo things, they will run away from you. You can’t place a food before a mad man and hold a cane talk less of doing that to a sane person. From my point of view, I task all fathers to make their houses a home that they truly should be.

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