
A man’s heartfelt cry to BOKO HARAM

Lolz! Here goes a friend’s advise to the christians in the North…

“Let the churches start having their meeting over the phone.

Let them get a free telephone conference line with a access code for
all the members, they can successfully hold their services over the

Be wise as serpent, be sober and vigilant for your adversaries the
boko harams lurk around like a roaring lion looking for whom they may

All the churches along lagos- Ibadan express way should be wary of
new and strange people who will pretend to have come to worship with

They should reduce the night vigil programs along the express ways
even if they have all the 2nd mechanised division’ battalion on ground
to offer security.Anything can happened in the dead night

If they succeeded during the day in states where there are curfew I
dont know what security agents can do at night, Stop all the night
vigils henceforth.

Remember we do not have a reliable power supply, anybody can just
wear a tie and pose as a christian with bombs in their brief case

The Pastors and g.o s should wise up and not expose their vulnerable
members to avoidable deaths, Jesus also fled when he sensed attacks,
God told Holy Mary and Joseph to take the boy Jesus away to Egypt to avoid being killed be wise.

Stop all the night vigils and reduce some the unprofitable, time wasting programs.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.”
Also, I found this heartfelt cry on facebook and decided to share it. It’s kind of funny, plus there are gramatical blunders in it but there are a few sense in the cry.

“Dear Boko Haram, I
wish to congratulate you for destroying the utmost part of your
history.I never know that until now you people don’t have sense.
Checkout all the bombing activities you guys have been is all
about destroyin your land and feel you are destroying Nigeria. Boko I
will advise you guys to proceed and burn the Emir of Kano house, along
side with the SATAN of Sokoto as these two people not only that they
believed in Western Education rather they went out of the Country to
acquire it. Please kindly proceed and destroy the whole part of the
North.If it is possible burn the Whole Bornu, Sokoto and Kastina. Allah
will bless you if you continue like this. But do not blame anyone in
near future why states are not like SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT DUBAI or
QATAR.Please brothers Continue and create a History. If you can, contact
Iran or North Korea buy Nuclear Missile and convert the whole North to
Sahara Desert. Allah will bless you… Don’t 4get ur 72virgins oooo..Allah ya hukunta dukan arewacin dabbobi, da yankinku kuwa za ka san zaman lafiya.” 
 I rest my case!!!

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