
Kwara Police Command bans protests, rallies

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Rallies, unlawful protests, and gatherings have been outlawed by the Kwara Police Command as a means of preventing hoodlum hijacking in the state.

This information can be found in a statement released by the Command’s spokesperson, SP Okasanmi Ajayi, on Wednesday in Ilorin.

The command wants the public to be aware that all unlawful protests, rallies, and gatherings are prohibited in Kwara State, according to the statement.

“This order becomes inevitable owing to an intelligence report indicating that hoodlums have perfected plans to hijack any rally or procession and use the process to cause chaos and jeopardise the current fragile peace in the country and by extension, Kwara state.

“The Commissioner of Police in Kwara State, CP Paul Odama, understands that it is constitutional for the citizens to protest peacefully.

“However, a situation where such a protest or rally could be hijacked putting the lives and property of the people and government at risk would not be acceptable.

“This is a temporary ban to evaluate and access the security situation in the state.

“It is pertinent to also advise political party leaders to warn their supporters to desist from inciting and unguided statements on social, print and electronic media capable of inflaming crisis and heating of the polity.

“Consequently, aggressive patrols of the state and raids on criminal hideouts would continue as the command would do everything legally possible to ensure the safety and security of the good people of Kwara,’’ the statement read. (NAN)

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