
KFB True Love Story! ‘A surge of emotions’ – Temitayo and Damilola

It’s Monday again and we are so excited about this edition!
It’s exactly a year that the KFB TLS began and it’s been an amazing ride so far…yeah?!!

Next week, we’l be celebrating the KFB TLS anniversary by re-featuring some of our past couples and having them tell us how ur blissful and ahmazeen the marital journey has being :)…we can’t wait….whoop!
And then we have you, yes You reading this – to thank! You’re the best!
Honestly, when we started the ‘TLS’ we didn’t know it would last this long but you have kept us going with your comments (criticisms and words of encouragement), your emails and  lots more…we couldn’t thank you enough, mwah!

We also want to thank out fantastic photographers who have been there right from Day one – you guys rock!
For the week, we have the fab. couple Temitayo and Dami.
Their fairytale and grand wedding was photographed by Akintayomi and Keziie.
“I’ll make my story plain and simple….. photographing this
couple was quite interesting…..a couple of fun moments, emotions, blushing
and laughing everywhere… lol. Love is many things…. Love is real when shared, its a
variety of different feelings, attidudes and affection… Love is active and
this couple showed how happy they are together.’ Keziie tells us
Now we leave you with some of our
favorite moments from the fab. wedding:



That said, KFB wishes Temi and Dami a fabulous and wonderful marital life.

Oh by the way, got a wedding you’ll like to feature on the KFB True love story series, you can contact us
via  [email protected].
Have a great week Kfbers and as
you admire the wonderful things God has made today, remember you’re one
of them – wonderful inside and out. You’re blessed. You’re special.
You’re loved…xoxo


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