
‘It is very dangerous to love one man alone’ – Yoruba actress Lola Ajibola says | Read why

Yoruba actress and producer, Lola Ajibola, has said she doesn’t believe in love. The actress told Potpourri pointblank in a question and answer session that she doesn’t believe in love hence her resolve never to love or date one man at a time.

She reportedly said…
It is very dangerous to love one man alone because men are generally heart breakers. It is better to love two, if one disappoints you, you can easily go to the other one. It is the fault of men, they cannot be relied upon. For me, I don’t love.
For those that are in love, and keeping one man, they should know love is a dangerous game,” she said matter-of-factly. When asked if it is possible for a woman to love two men at the same time, she answered in the affirmative. “Yes, it is quite possible. My heart has been broken so many times. Love is wicked and it is a very dangerous game. Good luck to those in love. For me, I don’t love.”
However, we believe that if you stick to God’s plan for your life, there will be no need to have alternatives or double ‘date’.

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