
Former Deputy Governor of Sokoto, Mukhtari Shehu Shagari dumps PDP

Mukhtari Shehu Shagari

A former Deputy Governor of Sokoto State, Mukhtari Shehu Shagari, has decamped from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Shagari confirmed this in a statement on Wednesday.

He said, “I wish to bring to your notice that I, Mukhtari Shehu Shagari has from today ceased to be a member of the Peoples Democratic Party.”

According to Shagari, the hard decision was as a result of the series of betrayals that he had suffered in the hands of a party.

He said that the party “deceitfully claims to be a bastion of democracy but has instead become a party of the highest bidder” without considering his labor, commitment, sacrifice, investments and service since 1998.

He stated that, “Apart from my numerous sacrifices and service to the party, the so-called Peoples Democratic Party has no reward system regardless of one’s loyalty and faithfulness. It is my conviction that the ideals of the founding fathers of the Peoples Democratic Party have been completely eroded and is not worthy to be called a Democratic Party.”

The former Deputy Governor explained that it was most disheartening that the Governor of his State, in particular, has proven to be a man who does not keep to his words.

“It is also sad and unfortunate that the PDP in Sokoto is dead and buried during his tenure as the Governor of Sokoto State because of his draconian, slippery, cunning, crafty and insincere style of leadership,” he said.

He lamented that the PDP had unfortunately become a “cash and carry” party for the highest bidder so as to serve the interest of a minority few who have hijacked the body and soul of the party.

He assured that, “while I enjoin my supporters to remain calm, I shall In a few days time make my next steps known.”

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