
Daddyfreeze tackles Pastor Adeboye’s son for telling “jokers” writing them for help, to go to regular schools

Leke Adeboye, son of the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has suggested that Nigerians start doing trade by barter so they can feed

He said this in an Instagram video earlier this afternoon, as he noted that quite an alarming number of people ask him for financial assistance and help to school outside the country.

The son of the cleric advised that the said “jokers” should take advantage of the Nigerian education they can afford.

As expected, he soon came under attack from popular On Air Personalty, Daddy Freeze, who is known for putting down pastors.

He soon tackled Leke Adeboye in a lengthy post which read;

“@lekeadeboye, how are you and how is your daddy? Tell him I send my utmost regards and kind considerations.

You are making a lot of sense with this trade by batter suggestion, but let me ask you this, does your dad pay his private jet pilots with cassava or rice? Does he exchange garri for aviation fuel?

Charity they say begins at home, why not start by collecting tithes and offering in grains and cattle like it was originally intended in the Bible?

The ‘jokers’ you mentioned so respectfully, could go to one of the numerous redeemed schools littered across Nigeria, can’t they? This shouldn’t be rocket science.

You speak of money ‘saved’. I ask from where precisely? Through what means was this money ‘earned’?

Do accept my kind regards to yourself and Pastor E. A. Adeboye, your father.”
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