
Buhari reveals ‘high expectations’ from Acting IG of Police, Usman Baba


President Muhammadu Buhari has said he has high expectations of the acting Inspector General of Police, Usman Baba.

Buhari stated this on Thursday, after arriving in Abuja, following his 16-day stay in the UK for a routine medical checkup.

The President said among those presented by a committee set up by the minister of Police Affairs, Baba came tops because he knows the job and has attended the required trainings to aid help deliver on his new assignment.

According to Buhari, “Well, we went through the system, there was a committee by the Minister of Police Affairs, they gave me some names and he happened to be the one chosen. He knows his job, he has been in it for a long time, he went through all the trainings, he has the necessary experience. So, we have a high expectation from him.”

On the the performance of the new service chiefs so far, the President they were doing their best but that he only hopes their best is good enough for Nigerian.

Buhari said: “Oh yes, they have been in the system all the way, they know what is wrong, they know what is right and I think they are doing their best. I hope their best will be good enough for Nigeria.”

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