
Being married does not mean that you are going to be happy, unless we want to deceive ourselves | Read singer 9ice’s new interview

Singer 9ice has hit back at those asking him to get married saying his
happiness is all that matters. The father of 4 children from 3 women told
Vanguard when asked if he would give ex-wife, Toni Payne another chance
if she asked for it:

I am very lucky and I am happy with what I have. Being married does not
mean that you are going to be happy, unless we want to deceive
She’s with me and we are both happy.
She’s living her life while I’m living my own life. Happiness is the
most important thing. Don’t let your family push you into doing anything
you don’t like. If you want to stay in marriage, all well and good. But
if you think not getting married gives your happiness, don’t marry. It
is not by force that one must marry. God is not going to punish anybody
who refused to get married.

On how he runs his home, he said

 How I run my home is different from how you run your own home. I might
not be the one running the home. It might be the mothers of my kids who
are running the home in my absence and they are doing it perfectly well.
And the glory will come to me. When it comes to marital issues, it is a
game of luck. Nobody can come and tell me that I’m perfect that’s why
I’m married. We all know how it’s being done. People have issues in
marriage everyday. What I want in my life is happiness and I’m having it
now. And I’m loving it. Marriage or no marriage, I am happy and I have
my children. That’s the important thing to me. Another source of my
happiness is my focus on my music. If you are happy, you can make the
next person around you happy. What I want in life is happiness, whether I
get in marriage or out of marriage, is irrelevant to me.

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