
Aww, Aisha Buhari’s personal assistant, Zainab Ikaz-Kassim, writes her a touching tribute as she marks birthday

Aisha Buhari 1 
The wife of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari is a year older today and one of her staff,  Zainab Ikaz-Kassim has just shared this touching tribute to honor her!

Having to work with Her Excellency Mrs Aisha Muhammadu Buhari has been an eye opening and humbling experience.
When I got the news that I had been
selected to work as the personal assistant to the wife of the president,
I packed my bags and my 10 month old daughter completely unsure of what
to expect from the wife of the Newly elected president of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria, I asked myself so many questions.
Within the first hour of meeting her, my
anxiety was dispelled and I was wowed; we spoke about my daughter, my
husband, my culture. She was keen on seeing that I was comfortable and
she went ahead to discuss our work frame which she intentionally set
with comfort in mind.
Aisha Buhari 2 
She is the perfect example of a mother
A true leader
She constantly checks on my well being and that of my family
She doesn’t berate anyone
She clearly has our best interests at heart
Her laughter and smile melt hearts
Very humble
Down to earth
The happiness of others excite her
she is always ready to listen
never quick to anger
In one word AMAZING
During the occasional chin wags we tend
to have, her intellect shines right through and you can tell that she
genuinely knows and cares about the plight of the average Nigerian.
No day goes by without her discussing her many aspirations and dreams for the Nigerian child.
In her spare time she finds new ways to improve herself, and works to instill this practice in us, her staff.
She is the complete opposite of the general perception of female bosses.
Empowering women and children on a daily basis
She is innovative, a perfect example of
the modern woman who is grounded and extremely cultured! She is an
inspiration to me and many women out there
I am blessed to be associated with this great woman.
Happy Birthday to Her Excellency Hajia Aisha Muhammadu Buhari.

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