
Aliko Dangote shuns Nigerians on twitter

 Barely 48 hours ago, Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote joined the popular micro
blogging site, Twitter and the businessman already has over 29, 277 followers (as at 11:31am today).
He shared his first tweet at exactly 12am on the ist of January, wishing his followers a happy new year and offering his first advice.

So here’s the gist….

Almost all the Nigerian celebrities and who-is-who in Nigeria including presidential aides, ministers etc, are following him on twitter but he’s not following any of them back! As a matter of fact he is not even following any Nigerian….are we that bad? Lol.
Check out the 7 peeps he is following below:
1. Bill Gates
Yeah, what do these seven twitter handles have in common that Nigerians lack :-)?

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