
A True Love Story! We came, we saw and we conquered – Milinda and Jide

another great Monday and we have got a super-CUTE couple – Jide and
Milinda – with an amazing love story for today’s TLS *winks*.

 Jide and Milinda met over 6 years ago –
he thought she was a snob, she thought he was cool and made the first
move. After months of late night gisting, about everything and nothing, they both knew they couldn’t live without each other.

However, every relationship has its
stormy phase after the ‘honeymoon’, and Milinda and Jide share what kept
them together through that patch.



How they met:

Jide: I met Milinda 6 going on 7 years ago through my cousin, and from the beginning I actually thought she was a snobbish lady LOL,
this is the reason they say not to judge a book by its cover.

 I had no
idea Milinda was even interested in me, a chemistry built from there and
we built a solid friendship.

Milinda: I met Jide some 6 years ago through his cousin who was my classmate.
That’s where it all began. I am not sure if he was shy to talk to me but
I made the first move. Getting to know him was truly mind-blowing; I
enjoyed our late night gist about life and silly topics that made sense
to us. It didn’t take me long to start falling in love with him. I knew
he was different and he had this spark that just seems to continuously
grow and I was just drawn to it. We started dating!
Jide: I enjoyed our late night conversations
about ridiculous things and it eventually evolved into something
I can still recall when I knew this woman was created for me.
It was mid-October and I had been expecting to see Milinda all week but
due to my work schedule I couldn’t. 
Eventually she came to visit, and
when Milinda walked through the door, I couldn’t stop smiling. Yes it
sounds cheesy but at that moment I knew I wanted to build a future with
her. I spent my time counting the seconds, minutes, hours, and days that
I could see her walk through the door again so that smile, that glow,
that aura of her love could shower me all over again. I became a junkie
and I got hooked.
Milinda: The first couple of years were
unforgettable which he called our “Honeymoon stage”. Then I had to
travel to the UK to further my education. I was not ready to leave him
but I knew I had to make the move, long distance relationships aren’t
easy as it took a toll on both of us. What made it worthwhile was
regardless of the problems we had over the course, I could always count
on him for kind words and support. Eventually the stars aligned and we
found ourselves back in each other’s arms like it was the first time we
We have grown to know each other, understand and cherish each
other. I thank God for sending me a man like Jide, he is loving, caring,
understanding (sometimes) LOL and best of all, he is all mine.
Am so grateful to God for this union and I pray for an eternity of
continuous love from the man of my dreams who has now become my reality.
I love you Jide and you will always have my heart and every piece of me.

Jide: As most relationships you have your
honeymoon stage then eventually you have your difficult periods, which
eventually caught up to us. Milinda left for London to further her
education which put a rift in our relationship, but through our time
apart she was still patient and persistent in making things work. We
eventually found our way back to each other and I promised her if she
took my hand this time around, I will love her as if it was the first
day she walked through the door and captured my heart, for the rest of
our lives together. 7 years later and I am marrying the woman that was
molded into my peace, my sanity, my universe, and the soon to be the
mother of our family we will create together.
I love you Milinda and I dedicate my
heart and soul to you, as I inhale you as the definition of love so
shall I exhale you as my giver of peace and life.

The Proposal
Milinda: A week before Jide proposed to me, he had purposely gotten into an
argument with me so I wouldn’t find out his plan, as I am always good in
figuring out surprises from him. His plan was to fly into London and
pop the question at Heathrow Airport and take me by
surprise. With the help of his mother she was able to convince me to
come to the airport to pick him up and say hello to her. As he walked
through the arrival hall, I was standing outside waiting and he smiled
at me then showed me his upset face. I asked where his mum was and he
told me she is still being cleared by customs. As we stood there for 5
minutes we didn’t say a word to each other. Jide seemed nervous for some
reason I actually thought he was breaking up with me, next thing you
know he summoned up the courage and turned to me and said,
I am not a perfect man, but would love to spend the rest of my life trying to be your perfect husband”
– those words still ring in my ears till today.
Jide got down and one knee and asked me
to be my wife, I was completely shocked and embarrassed and shy because
everyone was watching, I said “Yes” while everyone watched and
congratulated us.

Now we leave you to enjoy their fab. wedding photos beautifully
captured by DuduGuy Photography. 

 White wedding:


Advice for Other Couples:
Just know that things won’t go as planned on your wedding day. You will
argue countless times with your partner and vendors regarding the
wedding preparation but on your special day remember to just have fun,
forget about everything else and enjoy “Your Day”!
 KFB wishes “Milanda and Jide” a fabulous and wonderful marital life.
Got a wedding you’ll like to feature on the KFB True love story series, you can contact us
via  [email protected].
Have a great week Kfbers! 

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