
A True Love Story! “We became friends after he offered me biscuit in the Library” Tope and Ayo

Meet Temitope Sadiq and Ayoola Adeola – our couple of the week – they got married on the 5th of April, 2014!

They met during graduate school and became
friends after he offered her ‘biscuit’ in the library…nicey!
how they met, the beautiful bride beamed with smiles “Oh, Please call
me Mrs Ayo Adeola….we met at Graduate school in 2009. As my mother
always says, we were
sent to school for a Masters degree, and we decided to come home with an
additional degree, lol.

Our initial (albeit uneventful) meeting was at the induction ceremony
for all international students. I was with a Nigerian friend, and he
came to talk to us (talk about close marking, lol). We all
talked for a little while about settling in, and went our different
ways. I saw him a around after that a couple of times, but just always
said “hello” from a distance.

You are my joy, thanks for always making me smile
Truly, forever, you and me will be together, till forever!

About two months into Uni, I was given one long project which made me
go to the library every other day (I really don’t like libraries), and
on one boring Sunday, out of the blue, I found him there, head buried in
his books (I discovered later that he always has his head in books). We
got talking, and he offered me Biscuit because I said I was hungry :),
and that was how we became friends.

Dance through life with me – the best is yet to be

Looking into your eyes gives me hope of an amazing future

We gradually started to hang out with the same set of friends, as the
Nigerian people started to find one another, and one day in February,
2010, we were invited to a party by one of our Nigerian friends. For
some strange reason, we stuck together throughout the whole party, and
danced like hell!!!. I should have realized that I fell in love that
day, because I didn’t even notice how much of a bad dancer he was, lol.

Baby we are so in love we are wearing the same colours
On his last birthday as a ‘bachelor’

believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will
be together. With my whole heart, I take you as my wife/husband,
acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine.

“In your eyes, I have found my home.
In your heart, I have found my love.
In your soul, I have found my mate
.”Baby, looking forward to sharing all of life’s simple pleasures with you

We became inseparable after that day, and we were everywhere
together. We came to Nigeria Easter 2010, and then went with a set of
friends on a short trip to Blackpool. I got really cranky because I felt
like we were getting to close for comfort (before he chases other men
away, lol)- and so I asked him what he wanted from me, and with a
totally clueless look on his face goes ‘I thought we were dating’. I
didn’t even know how to respond to that, lol.
Anyways, we left Blackpool as a couple, it’s been a totally awesome since then and here we are now!
I married my best friend, the one I laugh with, the one I live for, the one I dream with, and the one I love.

You dey make my heart go ‘kedike’
Our love is the greatest of all!

The one who has shown me that the only
one happiness in life is to love and to be loved. We are two souls with a
single thought, two hearts that beat as one, because whatever souls are
made off, his and mine are the same.

When We are together, nothing else matters
Temitope’s bridal shower
Couple at the registry
First of all, INTRODUCTION!
your maid of honour it’s my duty to tell you what an amazing person you
are and that your husband is so lucky to have found you”
is so the most amazing day of my life thanks to you. I’m so looking
forward to spending the rest of my life with you my love”

We shall live happily ever after!
P.s Their wedding photographer is Soji Oni of Soji Oni photography!
KFB wishes the “Ayo and Temitope” a fabulous and wonderful marital life.
Got a wedding you’ll like to feature on the KFB True love story series, you can contact us via  [email protected].
Have a great week Kfbers!

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