
A True Love Story! It’s been 12 months already but it feels like yesterday…

Whoop, it’s another Monday and I am so excited cos I get to celebrate another couple on KFB!
I absolutely love celebrating weddings and true love stories! 
Our KFB couple (Bolanle and Segun) of the week had their first wedding anniversary yesterday and they were so excited.

With all joy, Bolanle (the beautiful bride/wife) who is full of thanks to God, says the marital journey has been AMAZING, she couldn’t have wished for any thing better – aww!

Their love story is gonna thrill you guys…*winks*.
Bolanle and Segun officially met while they were both attending school at Rutgers University in February 2006.  While they were both attending Rutgers University,
Bolanle was doing work-study at the bookstore and Segun came to buy a
textbook. While Bolanle was ringing up his item at the cashiers
register,  Segun smiled and said “hello”.

They were both shy to start up a conversation but they were drawn to each other already!

They met again but this time, Bolanle was sitting in the hallway in one of Rutgers famous
building called “Roberson Hall”, and has God will make it, Segun was
strolling the hallway with one of his friends called Olu.

We just love having FUN!

As soon as he saw Bola, he overcame his shyness, walked up to her and said “hello”, and then he started a short
conversation and ensured that they exchanged numbers. 

One of their lovey-dovey moment
Another lovey-dovey moment
Bola and Segun at their Engagement ceremony

As time went by,  Bolanle and Segun spoke constantly on the phone, non-stop sometimes till early hours of the following morning talking of sweet nothings…                                                      

Bolanle on her wedding morning
Bola’s bridal train
Best man and Chief bridesmaid having fun at the wedding reception

Because of Segun’s kindness and selflessness, he would give Bolanle frequent rides to and from work because at that time she had no driver’s license or personal car. Aww!

Beautiful Bola on the morning of her Engagement
Queen of the day!
Couple cutting their wedding cake

       As the friendship grew even stronger, Segun asked Bolanle to be his girl and she said yes.

The Proposal

Throughout the mid to late stages of our
relationship, they talked about what they wanted from the relationship and
how they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. 

Couple at their wedding introduction
Couple dancing in at the wedding after-party
Couple at thanksgiving

   Fast forward to
August 2011, Segun was secretly preparing to propose to the love of his
So on August 1st 2011, they went to a restaurant
to have dinner and then to the movies.
“During our dinner date that Segun
held my hands and told me I was his princess. We had a great time at the
movies and he dropped me off at home.  On August 2nd 
at around 8:40AM, still sleeping I heard a slight knock on my room door
and Segun walked in smiling.  Still unsure if I was dreaming or not, he
walked to my bedside, got down on one knee holding my hand. He started
saying how he wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together and
other sweet things to me, removed a box from his pocket and opening the
box to show the ring, and then he popped the question, of course, I said
YES!!” Bolanle excitedly narrated.

Couple having their wedding waltz
Ta-da, they kissed!!!
Their official “first kiss”

Bola has this to say about the love of her life “My gift, igaboreto temi, I love
you so much. You
have made me the happiest woman on the face of this earth. You have
inspired me and encouraged me through it all. You are selfless, loving,
thoughtful, and simply amazing. We have had our storm, but through it
all, God has sustained us and made our love even stronger. I pray God molds me constantly into a virtuous woman who builds her home. Words can’t describe, I love you babe.”
While Segun has this to say “Hmmm, where can I start from, don’t even know. Asake temi nikan. Thanks for always being you. Always bringing the best out of me, caring, supportive, kind, thoughtful, and really know how to put a smile on my face. Having you as a partner has and forever will be my great gift from God. In soccer terminology, you are FANTASTIC. I pray that the good Lord will give me the wisdom and understanding to lead our home. I look forward to the new world ahead of us, building a family together, growing in love as each day goes by together, and together we will STAND  my love. I LOVE YOU!!!”
Oh wow, ain’t that the sweetest thing…
If you missed the KFB previous love story series, you can read ’em (HERE), (HERE), (HERE) and (HERE) and ( HERE).


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