
A True Love Story! “Everything she touches turns gold…” Annette and Gerald’s fairy tale wedding

Guys, it’s the month of Love….yipeeee!
This week’s KFB True love story is all about Annette and Gerald, oh wow, they are one sweet couple with a super sweet and aw-inducing love story that’l make your heart melt!!!

Gerald and Annette
For no reason, and for all the reasons, I’m just in love with you

They reside abroad but decided to get married in the heart of Edo, Benin city “cos that’s where they hail from” – how sweet!
It’s been seven months (They had their traditional wedding on the 15th August, 2013 and white wedding on the 17th of August) since they got married and Chartered Accountant Gerald has this to say about his very beautiful wifey:

“Annette is quite literally the exact person I’ve been
praying for as a wife all my life. She’s perfect for me and I really can’t think
of anyone better.

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you
You and Me be like Tom and Jerry – we can not just do without each other

 “Annette is one of the hardest working, focused and dedicated
people I know. She has always excelled in everything she has done. From best
graduating student, to scholarships, to distinctions, everything she touches
turns to gold.” he further says

I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out


Obimo, you are my everything
If loving you is madness, then I’m insane
has so many fantastic qualities that sometimes makes me wonder how only ONE
person can have ALL these attributes. She’s prayerful, caring, loving,
generous, intelligent, hardworking, dedicated, and a brilliant cook too
(everyone needs to try her affectionately named “man trap” dish). Oh, and did I mention she’s stunningly beautiful? And I
can’t pretend that that doesn’t mean a thing to me. ” he excitedly concludes.
I will fall in love with you over and over again
Loving you is the best thing that’s ever happened to moi
You totally totally totally own my heart

Medical Doctor Annette also has this to say about the love of her life;

made a wish and Gerald came true, I prayed and he came to be mine. All I can
say is I’m married to a man that was ‘made to measure’ for me. We’re so similar
yet so different, so alike yet so individual.

Moments spent with you are priceless
“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”
“The best thing in life is to love and be loved”

happiest when I’m around him and that’s not just because he’s a joker, I’m
truly happiest with him. And I’m so thankful we found each other, Gerald is
perfect for me and my joy is complete...

The things I love the most about him are numerous,
his sunny disposition, his ‘chilled’ outlook and interesting perspective on
things, his exceptional joie de vivre, his value system, his analytical mind (I call him my thinking cap),
his annoying laughter, lol, the list is endless.

“My thinking cap”…winks…”my brilliant cook”
I’l love you forever and a day more
I’l go anywhere with you for you’r my favourite person in the world

I’m excited about the prospect of forever with Gerald. I must confess, forever
used to scare me, it seemed so permanent, like tattoos and piercings which is
why I never got any of those, lol. But with Gerald I want forever, and a day
He’s my best friend, my boo and husband, my sunshine. And I find that even when I’m mad at
him he’s still my favourite person.

I pray the love of God continues to envelope us and keep us in his embrace,
always and forever…..”

I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you
My love for you is a journey; starting at forever, and ending at never
This love of ours is indescribable, unbreakable and in-explainable
How We Met
We met through a mutual friend of ours, Ify, who we’ve now dubbed “Cupid”. I’ve
known Ify for a few years now. She went to Nottingham Uni with me and then did
a post grad course at Oxford Uni with Annette. She basically did an undercover
match making exercise.
One evening, I got a call from Ify saying there’s
this girl she thinks I will like. Unbeknown to me, she had done the exact same
thing to Annette as well.
Even if I had a million reasons to leave you, I would still look for one to stay
I can’t lose you cos if I did, I’d lose my best friend, soul mate, smile, laughter and everything!
I want you today, tomorrow, next week and for the rest of my life
If today I die, I will be at peace because I have known my soul mate and have understood the true meaning of love
After she introduced us, we exchanged bb pins and
phone numbers and then got chatting. We got on like a house on fire and would
spend hours and hours on the phone at a time. Conversation just flowed
naturally and she was just so easy to talk to.
We loved each other’s sense of
humour and we just seemed to understand each other from the very beginning. It
was as if I’d known her for years. We found out that we had quite a few mutual
friends, and that she went to the same Uni as my cousin Jermaine.
Eventually we decided to meet up. We planned a
Saturday where we were both free, and then after photo psychoanalysing her through
her page on Facebook, I drove up to Oxford to spend the whole day with her.
I just want to stay by you day and night

Your laughter is the best sound I’v ever heard
“I love you…” “I love you more…” “I love you the most”!
You are the most beautiful story behind the emotion of love in my heart.
went to the museum, then the restaurant, then on a scenic walk around the city
landmarks and finally ended up in church where we attended the evening mass.
Time just seemed to fly by when I was with her and before we knew it, the day
was already over. So I drove back to London and kept thinking the whole way
through how she MUST be The One. Immediately I got home that evening, the first
thing I said to my flatmate Umogbai was “Dude, I’ve found my future wife”.
I was convinced and I knew it literally from the first day I met her. The rest
as they say is history.
I really, glaringly and daringly love you
There are so many words in the English language but I can find none of them to describe you completely.
Just looking at your smile makes my entire day become happier.
Now, she teases me that I never really had to “toast” her or work hard to
get her and that I had it easy. And that’s because it was very obvious from the
start that it was meant to be. It was too clear, and it would have been silly
to fight it or deny and prolong the inevitable.
Proposal Story:
Annette: I was invited to speak on the panel at a
conference in Deauville, France. It was the Women’s Forum for the
Economy and Society
 and I was super excited to be
representing the ExxonMobil Foundation at such a huge conference.
Naturally I
asked Gerald to accompany me but he explained he couldn’t get time off as it
was a busy period at work but promised me a treat to France at a future date. I
was gutted he couldn’t make it but I understood, so we drafted my speech
together (he’s my public speaking coach) and off I went, alone.
You are the reason why there is so much more enthusiasm and excitement in my life than ever before
You are my favorite hello and hardest goodbye
We love having fun!!!
My life has been better since the day I found you
The lyrics of my life’s music is incomplete without you
On the penultimate day of the conference we had a
dinner hosted by Cartier. I called him when I arrived at the venue, gushing
about how lovely and grand it was, and how top female executives of Fortune 500
companies were in attendance. He was on his way to play football and said he
had to rush off, but that he was very excited for me and wished me all the
It was a gala event so I was going about
networking, exchanging business cards and socializing. Next thing, I heard a
clink on a glass a few yards away from me and suddenly the whole room which was
filled with about a thousand women just went dead silent.
In one nanosecond, the space around me had
cleared and I saw a clean cut gentleman, down on one knee, holding a small box
in his hand and making some incomprehensible sounds. It was all a haze! It’s
funny how the brain works because it actually took me a while to recognize
Gerald and to realize what this was all about.
 I spoke to him only an hour ago and he was on his
way to play footy, and now here he is, in a different country, looking
resplendent in a dinner suit and on one knee saying some words in French. It
was all too much for my brain to unravel at the time.

When I finally grasped the scenario I gave him my
left hand and he slipped in the most dainty and most gorgeous piece of vanity
I’d ever seen. I said YES (in English) and the relay of camera flashes
that followed was blinding.

We were definitely the life of the party from that point onwards. Loads of
people kept coming up to us, congratulating and cooing over us.

For the rest of the night I just kept staring into his eyes, speechless. I
couldn’t stop smiling. It was so surreal, yet so real.”
Our Wedding:
Annette: “Our wedding day was the greatest day of our lives. We had looked
forward to it so much we could hardly sleep. I had a zillion butterflies
in my tummy as I walked down the aisle to Gerald who had a grin wider
than a Cheshire cat. I melted when I caught a glimpse of him in the
distance. The ceremony was solemn; we said our vows against the backdrop
of Canon in D and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.”
Now we leave you to enjoy their traditional and white wedding photos!

He’s the man, she’s the lady!
And the day came…
That daddy-daughter dance moment
It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”
I want to grow old with you, overcome every obstacle and be together for all of time
Your lips are like wine…I want to get drunk
Lovin’ you is easy cause you’re beautiful
Lovin’ you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that I do is out of lovin’ you
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
When we make eye contact….
Whoop, we are one!
“Being in love with you gives me strength and courage
You are, and always have been, my dream

Picture  Picture

Lovin’ you has made my life so beautiful and every day my life is filled with lovin’ you
you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you
was beyond my control.”

“You’re my princess” “You’re my prince charming”

“Hold me closer”


We cut da cake….
I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes.
Every time I look at you, I find love, I find peace, I find Joy and most important of all I find Happiness

We shall live happily ever after

KFB wishes Annette and Gerald a wonderful and fabulous marital life!
If you missed last week’s TLS, you can view it HERE.

We’ve got a valentine special KFB TLS coming up on the 14th of February – so if you
have got (or know someone that knows someone that knows someone with) a
love story that is ‘lovely enough’ to grace our TLS, then send in a five
sentence ‘story’ and five photos of you and your beau to
[email protected] or [email protected]….the best five
entries will be selected and celebrated on our Valentine special TLS on
the 14th of February!!! Till then guys…xoxo!


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