
22 year old mum shares her beautiful story of how God turned her ‘mistake’ into a ‘miracle’

“He is the God who makes water to flow in the desert. He turns
a fruitful field into a forest. He is the one who brings out water from rocks
and for Him, impossible is nothing. I write this in tears!! 
have been meaning to send this post to you for days now but the responsibility
of catering for a newly born weighed me, and I only just got the chance. She
was born on thursday last week, Jan 16th 2014. My pride. My joy. My princess.
Chikaima Bella Elebe.

 When I
found out I was pregnant in mid-may 2013, I was broken into pieces. It wasn’t
planned. My then boyfriend was going through a rough patch, he had too
many  responsibilities. I didn’t think he would stay. We had
only been together for four months.
I thought of all the financial constraints. I thought
about my family. I said my parents would kill me. I thought about school. How
would people react when they found out that the Vice President of Mass
Communication Dept was pregnant, while still un-married?

It wasn’t the life I planned for and at 22, I wasn’t ready for a child.
But I knew that abortion wasn’t an option; couldn’t correct one mistake with
another mistake. I had two options, either my boyfriend stick it out with me or
I go and register for care with an orphanage. Giving birth in my parents house
was also not an option.

When she was 8months preggy
 So I went to visit my boyfriend and told him I
was pregnant; three weeks gone. I broke down and wept and wailed. 
He said he
would stay. That he wasn’t going nowhere. He said whatever disgrace, shame or
sorrow that would come, that we would go through it together. 
We didn’t know the first thing to do, but we knew that we wanted to spend the
rest of our lives together. So I went back to school and prayed and prayed,
that God would turn my mistake into a miracle.


 First trimester was horrible cause of all the
physical and emotional changes. After my exams in July, I came back to Lagos
and he proposed to me. I told my parents I was three months pregnant. Dad was
so disappointed. Mum was more than distraught.


Anyway, Things soon got better for my boyfriend.
How money started coming in, I don’t know! His office just
started sending him out on different trainings and the re-imbursements were
huge. We did our introduction in August, traditional rites in September and
wedding on October 18, 2013.


 I had initially made a list of all the baby
things I needed and shared out to my friends, each having one thing or the
other to provide. I eventually didn’t need any dime from anyone. I went baby
shopping in september with my mom and bought the best baby things lagos had to
offer. I needed to move out of the Catholic hostel I was staying at. Money
rolled in and I was able to get a flat in town and even furnished it well!

It’s amazing how God works!

God is still God. He is faithful even in our
unfaithfulness. He rights wrongs. Everything has worked out for my good. 
strike favored me immensely, because I was home from the beginning of my
second trimester till now that I have put to birth. And pregnancy practically
glowed on me.

The best part? I asked God for a short and safe
delivery; I gave birth after only four hours of labour. It’s easy to say ‘only
four hours’ now! 

In that room, those four hours felt like eternity but when I
realized that many women who were there before me were still there when I
left, I knew that four hours was indeed ‘only’.  
Kaima is such a beautiful
baby, even if I say so myself. 
When I got cleaned up and asked to see her,
she was smiling! How does a newly born know how to smile? She smiles a lot!  And everything I asked her to be, she is just that. 
I prayed she took her
dad’s nose, brows, lashes and height; she did!
She then combined that perfectly
with my lovely fingernails, my complexion, eyes, smile and shape of face.

Cute Kamia
Every mistake can
be turned into a blessing! 
Help me in thanking God for
His goodness and I sincerely pray that those praying for the fruit of the womb
would have their heart desires and that those who are pregnant at the moment
would have short and safe delivery. We would hear the cry of the baby and the
laughter of the mother.
My name is Ifeoma. 


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