
2019: T.B Joshua releases very fearful prophecies for the year

Prophet T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church of Nations, SCOAN, has finally released his prophecies for the year and he has labelled 2019 as “very fearful”.

While praying at an undisclosed ‘prayer mountain’ in a YouTube video that has now gone viral on social media, he started by saying, “I am here because I know where I need to grow. When we know where we need to grow, it is victory itself.

The prophet said he was there “to know the mind of God concerning this fearful year 2019 and also to pray for you and the world at large.”

He called on Nigerians to pray against “a stopover” and “the interruption of the democratic practice” as Nigeria prepares into the elections next month in February 2019.

“I like being one with nature – where there are no disturbances, where we don’t need to close our eyes to pray,” he explained, indicating he had been in prayer and fasting for several days to begin the New Year.

“I developed this habit right from the beginning of my ministry… When I need a quiet place, I run to the wilderness, to the mountain,” he continued, conspicuously barefooted, simply clad and holding his Bible.

He proceeded to offer prayer for those viewing him that “whatever hinders you to greatness” would “give way” and “whatever that does not reflect Jesus in your life” would “be removed.”

Emmanuel Uzodinma

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