
2015 election: RCCG’s Pastor Kalejaiye (Pastor E.A Adeboye’s number 2 man) blows hot

Redeemed Christian Church of God has the highest number of members,
compared to other churches and religious organizations in Nigeria, and
when one of its pastors becomes vice-presidential candidate of the
opposition, All Progressives Congress (APC), and another top pastor
drops sound bites, criticizing the present administration, President
Goodluck Jonathan should be awfully concerned.

In a recent sermon by Redeemed Pastor, J.T. Kalejaiye, he vehemently
lamented the state of things, while calling for a change in the system.
According to the pastor, who is touted as one of the possible candidates
to take over from Pastor Adeboye, “things cannot continue this way”.

Kalejaiye told his congregation to go and mark it, that “there would
be a pleasant surprise in 2015 elections”. He said: “Of what use is my
brother, my blood brother who is not going to move the nation forward?
And you want me to vote for him because he is my brother? Don’t let us
deceive ourselves.”

Speaking further, he said: “We have to change our system… Who is a
Christian? Who is a Muslim? When I was working somewhere, my boss was a
Muslim. I enjoyed under him. My boss provoked me to study further. My
boss was always after my welfare. It shall be well him wherever he is
today. He is a Muslim. The soldier attached to me was with me for almost
15 years. I never knew he was a Muslim. The day he opened his mouth to
say “Sir, I am Muslim,” I said “What? But you follow me to the camp. You
do this, you do that.” He said that when it was time to pray he would

“Brethren, wake up! Who is a Christian? That somebody goes to church
doesn’t make him a Christian. That somebody bears Christian name doesn’t
make him a Christian. You are a Christian yet there is no employment
for our youths. People who should be feeding their parents are still
being fed by their parents. How many youths can get married today
without the support of their parents financially? During our own time,
we did our wedding, we only called our parents to come and eat.”

“Today, our children who are 35, we are still feeding them. What are
we saying? Let’s call a spade a spade, brethren. Things cannot continue
this way. Corruption is the order of the day. You can steal and nothing
will follow. That’s all… Brethren, if you don’t do something, something
will do you. Wake up!”


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