
20 feared killed in communal clash in Kogi State

20 lives have been lost in the communal clash which took place in the Bassa local government area of Kogi State and between the people of Egburra Mozum and Bassa Kwomu. Both communities have been in a supremacy fight in the last two years.

According to a community leader in Sheria, Mr Gberegu, the Egburras had in the early hours of Thursday allegedly attacked Bassa with about 20 people killed and house razed.

According to him,” the bridge linking Oguma and Sheria was completely razed down by Igburra militias while
Sheria village has been deserted.

The Kogi State Police Command spokesman, Mr. William Aya, said that the state command had received a report of clashes in the area and responded with State Anti-riot squad and conventional police. According to him, an unindentified corpse was found on arrival at the scene.


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