
PVC Registration: Keyamo reveals how new voters will be divided in 2023

You're danger to Nigeria’s treasury, Keyamo slams PDP

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Festus Keyamo, has revealed how new voters in the ongoing Contonius Voters Registration will be divided in the 2023 election.

Keyamo said the new voters would be divided between the ruling party, the main opposition and the others.

The minister stated this via his Twitter handle on Friday while reacting to claims that new voters will revolt against the ruling APC.

He urged the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC to extend the time frame for voters registration.

“INEC should extend the time frame for voters’ registration. Those who spin the tale to look like the mass registration is a 100 % revolt against the ruling party are living in la-la land.

“The new voters would be divided between the ruling party, the main opposition and the others,” he said

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