“Strained” a compelling drama written, produced, and directed by Okechukwu Oku of OracleFilmsTV has now made its debut in cinemas. It features...
Anthill Studio’s Niyi Akinmolayan’s cinematic journey is defined by his bold ambition to elevate Nigerian cinema. As a visionary filmmaker, he recently...
The global stage is set for one of the world’s most prestigious film festivals – the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), commencing...
The Nigerian film industry has recently witnessed the release of the highly-anticipated Yoruba movie, Kesari The King, directed by Ibrahim Yekini and...
In an electrifying revelation, Netflix, the global streaming powerhouse, has officially unveiled its highly-anticipated mystery and crime thriller film titled The Black...
The dynamic comedic duo of Samuel Animashaun Perry, popularly known as Broda Shaggi, and Chukwuemeka Emmanuel, widely recognized as Oga Sabinus, take...
The Yoruba Nollywood bar has again been raised by Femi Adebayo’s ‘Jagun Jagun’ movie, released exclusively on Netflix today. Kemi Filani’s movie...
I promised myself not to see an indigenous movie in the cinema after some Nigerian movies showed me shege, but somehow, with...
Just like the romantic title, Love, Lust & Other Things, which Kayode Kasum directed, tells the story of a woman who gets...
So, because we’ve heard so much about Biodun Stephen’s romantic drama, ‘Big Love’, we decided to join the Nigerian movie lovers at...
In the realm of music, Burna Boy is a name that resonates with many individuals. Whether it be for his remarkable talents...
Movie director and producer Niyi Akinmolayan’s new movie ‘The House of Secrets” is now streaming on Amazon prime video, and Kemi Filani...
Over the weekend, Ay Makun’s Almajiri premiered in the Cinemas, and we were there to see the movie and bring you guys...
In celebration of World’s Fathers Day, which falls on June 18th this year, a new Nigerian movie, ‘Daddy’ premiered at the cinemas...
Biodun Stephen’s ‘Sista’ movie premiered on Prime Video hours ago, and we are still yet to get over the different emotions the...
Kenyan actress, Brenda Wairimu shoot her shot on the Nollywood screen with the release of her movie Dice. The movie was shot...
Arinfesesi ( A Day of Misfortune), a film shot in Ibadan in a rural community, Ijaiye in Oyo State premiered over the...
Directed by Ekene Mekwunye, ‘Honey Money’ tells the story of Tobiloba (played by Timini Egbuson), a poor school teacher in his twenties...
The Bride Price, a film produced by Trinity Ugonabo was out in the cinemas a few days back. We watched, and below...
The Two Aishas, a film, which is the brainchild of Arabel Productions, was released a few days ago to celebrate the end...