
Movie Review: Why Brotherhood is the best Nollywood movie of 2022

Movie Review Brotherhood

If there’s one filmmaker you can always trust to deliver, it is Jade Osiberu. After giving us a good watch with films like Ayinla, Isoken and Sugar Rush, we expect that Brotherhood should be better. 

Now let’s find out if Nollywood movie; Brotherhood meets up to the existing standard. 

Nollywood Movie Brotherhood is the story of twin brothers; Wale and Akin, who lost their parents at a young age and had to hustle to pull through life together. Years later, Akin was sent to jail after he was caught stealing a drug for Wale, who was sick. Coming out of jail, Akin because worse and went to jail again and again. 

On the other end, Wale had become a police officer, putting himself and Akin constantly on each other’s throats. Things worsen when Akin joins a robbery group, eventually killing Wale’s father-in-law(a senior police officer). Wale is caught between bringing down his twin brother or saving him. 

The storyline of Brotherhood was intriguing and well thought out. However, it was glaring that the writer took her time to create a proper script with the right suspense, comedy and drama. As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t even know you had spent 2 hours in the movie because every scene was a hit. I mean, the few times Nigerian filmmakers tried achieving an action movie in the past, they somehow found a way to throw away a proper storyline, but Brotherhood changed that narrative. The writer of Brotherhood did a brilliant job. 

Some directors understand this job, and Loukman Ali is surely one of those few and seeing this is his Nigerian directorial debut, permit me to say we need more of him in Nollywood. In plain words, the directing was smooth. The robbery attack scenes, the shooting scenes, the counterattack with the police? The rain scenes, the fall from the 3rd mainland bridge into the water? Everything was believable and well directed. At some point, I thought I was seeing an American movie, and you could hear people in the cinema screaming as gunshots were flying. 

Special kudos to how he was able to make the best out of the actors, making them learn how to ride bikes to make it believable and even choosing seemingly average actors to take lead roles in the movie and still deliver. I am impressed. 

Speaking of actors, let me first ask the director; why didn’t you ask someone else to take the doctor’s scene? Why ruin that emotional moment for us? It wasn’t believable at all. 

Anyway, that aside, every single actor in Brotherhood was amazing. Falz and Omawunmi should probably leave music and do acting full-time because they did well. Tobi Bakre has improved, and in Brotherhood, he did great. We haven’t seen OC Ukeje in a while, and if Brotherhood is a comeback into film, then we are ready for it. Dorathy, Dianna, Seyi Awolowo and Boma of Big Brother Naija shocked me with their fantastic acting. We are ready to see more of them on screen. Toni Tones, Mr Macaroni, Jide Kene Achufusi and Ronke Osodi Oke kept us glued to our screens. Although Zubby Michael has found a way to make filmmakers stereotype him, we still love him on our screens. As for Basketmouth, I doff my cap for his taking himself beyond the comedy industry into film and even taking up serious roles. He Is good, I must admit. 

As much as I would love to say well done to the editor for a good job, I still need the person to explain why the subtitle is below the screen. Please, who is meant to read it there?

The make-up artist is another person who should get accolades. The blood and injuries were very believable. 

The choice of music, too, should be recognized and seeing all of these people put effort into creating a beautiful movie, Brotherhood will be getting a 9/10.

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