
Movie Review: Pete Edochie, RMD and Ireti Doyle couldn’t save COLD from being a cold movie

cold movie review

I had high expectations of going to the cinema to see the Nollywood movie, COLD. I mean, having people like RMD, Pete Edochie, Ireti Doyle, and Kanayo Kanayo in a movie, I was pretty sure to come out of the cinema smiling in satisfaction. 

Was that the case? You’d eventually find out.

Cold talks about the church today and how the devil infiltrates the church. It also talks about the quest for leadership and power in the church. It addresses how most churches have turned from serving God to accumulating wealth. It also shows how people are so deeply rooted in their love for power that they even kill themselves.

I don’t think I’ve seen a boring, disjointed storyline as COLD. So many unresolved subplots. So many unnecessary characters and scenes. The 2 hours 15 minutes story could have been told in 1:20 and at least saved us less torture having to sit to watch. Or maybe I should ask the writer the following; What was the aim of Lucifer’s scenes? What was the aim of the scenes at the end? 

Let me move away from that and ask something else; What was the backstory and resolution of the sister they desperately wanted to kill? How was she so much of a threat when she didn’t even hold a position? There are so many unanswered questions that I can bet even the writer doesn’t have answers to because that story lacked DEPTH.

It’s just more painful that with how they started, one would have thought they’d create a very strong plot for it, but No, they had to bore us with nothing! 

The murder in the church wasn’t explored, the fraud they detected wasn’t discussed—so many things. In short, the writer of COLD punished us with the movie. 

I don’t know who is worse, the writer or the director. At least, if the writer had put some scenes and characters, shouldn’t the director be professional enough to know adding them would bring more harm than good? Did a director see that script and final edits and still think it was a fantastic movie to go to the cinema? I’m shocked

The acting in COLD was a combination of both good and poor acting. The most annoying part is that the poor actors were the unnecessary ones. Like it is bad enough that you introduced unnecessary characters into the movie; you even had to bring in poor actors to play those roles. 

That aside, there was no synergy between the actors. RMD and his son had zero synergies, and that was the case with many other connecting characters in the movie 

Moving away from that, the star actors in COLD didn’t do badly. RMD is a good actor and a screen delight, so yeah. I enjoyed watching him. Something is endearing about Ireti Doyle’s acting. She has a poise that makes you admire her. As much as I don’t know what Pete Edochie and Kanayo.O.Kanayo were doing in the movie, their acting wasn’t bad. IK Ogbona’s acting was average, but it’s worth nothing. Finally, Hilda Dokubo is a beautiful actress, and despite not being on the screen for a long time, her acting prowess hasn’t left her. 

The visuals are commendable; if there was one thing done right in the movie, it has to be the visuals and cinematography. 

Let me end by saying that; COLD was an unnecessarily long yet boring movie which passed no message. However, for effort, acting and good cinematography, I will give the movie 3/10



  1. Anonymous

    August 15, 2022 at 10:22 am

    How dare you condemn the handwork of a fellow human being, what you give is what comes back to you. Moreover the actors in that movie are chosee actors if the script weren’t good enough there wouldn’t accept the script. So scroll you and shut up your mouth.

    • Chinenye

      August 15, 2022 at 1:26 pm

      Guy, the author of this write-up critiqued a movie, not condemn it. That’s the problem with Nigerians; they never look at anything from an analytical, dispassionate angle. Everything must be handled with some sort of religious sentiment, with a dose of insult to finish with. Have you ever read reviews done on even the best Hollywood films by film critics? They give the good and bad sides of these films on every level—to get the public to want to see the films for themselves. And that’s exactly what this writer has done here.

      • Kareemah

        August 15, 2022 at 9:30 pm

        Thank you for this, criticism is part of any literary work of art. I think some people aren’t aware of it and that’s why it’s been mistook for condemnation

  2. Charles

    August 15, 2022 at 10:24 am

    How dare you condemn the handwork of a fellow human being, what you give is what comes back to you. Moreover the actors in that movie are chosee actors if the script weren’t good enough there wouldn’t accept the script. So scroll you and shut up your mouth.

    • Christabel

      August 15, 2022 at 4:22 pm

      Shift abeg
      He/she critiqued it not condemn

    • Lady P

      August 15, 2022 at 8:08 pm

      Charlie she just critiqued the movie not condemn. She has a right to. Say what u feel about it and leave another person be with Thiers. Biko

  3. Yinka Smart

    August 15, 2022 at 11:15 am

    Good and balanced review Ronke.
    You have done your work well. Let the filmmakers pay more attention to theirs.

    • Gloy

      August 16, 2022 at 10:00 pm

      Or the film maker should imploy both of you bcus it seems you are both jobless

  4. Jay

    August 15, 2022 at 11:58 pm

    Abeg when Nigeria go act super hero movies. The likes of spider man ant man… Or a very good military action thrilling movie or maybe a good Secret agent movie. All these stories of fake pastors, bad government, murder and the rest of it. They are all good but it’s about time Nigeria movie industry take things to another level. C. O. L. D is a good movie for me personally I watch Nigeria movie to be entertained which is what most of the movies produced in this country is all about. But i wasn’t thrilled. #peace✌️

    • Osinachi

      August 16, 2022 at 7:50 am

      People go act wetin dem get, no be wetin dem no get .. which super hero Naija get ABI military story?

    • Anonymous

      August 16, 2022 at 1:51 pm

      We don’t believe in super heroes bro.😄

  5. Bobby

    August 16, 2022 at 8:40 am

    Oh …very nice review. Beautiful responses in the comments as well. The thing is, while we feel it’s appropriate & indeed very necessary to review & critique our movies, one also needs to ask, who are the reviewers? Are they qualified to review & critique? Someone that critiques must love every film genre so as to be unbiased in judgement/conclusions or worse still, money for good reviews. As someone mentioned in a comment above, how he’ll love to see a naija superhero movies or naija spy movies, a bad reviewer would probably say it’s an unrealistic story because it doesn’t relate to us as naija peeps regardless of if it was a great story or not and in some cases, deliberately give a movie bad review because the producers refused to drop. My point is, how do we or can we separate the true reviewers from the false? If good & balanced? If Ronke really did her job or not? If Ronke is qualified enough to critique such or not? Because believe it not whether her conclusions are correct or not it’s going to affect the actual movie, good or bad which would be detrimental to the filmmaker tryin to earn an honest livelihood. The question is can we trust Ronke’s review?

    • Lucky

      August 16, 2022 at 11:23 am


    • Anonymous

      August 17, 2022 at 7:35 am

      Well spoken

  6. City

    August 16, 2022 at 9:54 pm

    We all understand differently, and some of us enjoyed watching the movie differently aswell, some watch movie to take away depression, while some for fun.
    Criticism must be left for producers nd actors or actresses not some random being, i have watched the movie not ones but twice bcus i took a friend to the cine to rewatch what i like. So far, i didn’t regret spending my money to watch the movie bcus i learnt from the movie alot. Let’s learn to appreciate what we can’t achieve, even if given the whole life to achieve it some will still can’t.. kudos to the producer most expecially and rest of his crew members for wonderful job

  7. Emmy Phenom

    August 17, 2022 at 3:08 am

    I have seen the movie, while it is not terrific, it isn’t bad either. Probably too long, the whole story could have been told with fewer number of scenes and less time too.

    There were unnecessary scenes and bad acting from some of the upcoming actors too… Many unresolved conflicts as well…

    I don’t think chemistry was bad between RMD and his son too.

    Another thing is that the movie is a Christian film, it may not appeal to some people especially people of a different faith, for example someone of a different faith may find it hard to relate with the scenes featuring Pete Edochie and his henchmen..

    For me, one thing that stood out was the VFX, whoever did it, did a good job

  8. Ville

    August 17, 2022 at 7:59 pm

    Because the is wrong everything about the movie is wrong.

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