
Atunwa Movie Review: Beautiful efforts marred with Rush Rush work 

Atunwa Movie Review

Atunwa, the movie hit the cinemas a few days ago, and we were one of the first sets of Nollywood movie lovers to see this one-of-a-kind film.

Atunwa, which features seasoned actors such as Tina Mba, Jide Kosoko, Okey Uzoeshi, Yomi Fash, Kehinde Bankole, and more, was poised to be a movie that tackles the many strange happenings in our society from the traditional African/Yoruba angle.

It tells the story of Kemi Oye (played by Tina MBA) and her past life, which is haunting the entire family.

For starters, once you miss out on the first 10 minutes of the movie, you will remain lost till the end of the movie.

We applaud the story writers for providing a fresh perspective to appraising many events often treated with levity, especially the belief in reincarnation.

In the norm of the glorious ages of African civilisation, our African root was brought to relevance through the consultation of the Ifa Priest and divinations.

While they are some scenes quite unnecessary and prolonged, the movie keeps you battling with mixed feelings, suspense and anger because they are so many ‘whys’.

The movie, asides from its uncommon storyline, teaches contentment and more reasons to fight for a peaceful family.

As much as we really longed to see the end of Kehinde Bankole and Yomi Fash, the writers didn’t make that end worthwhile. It was hurriedly done and lost its essence. All hopes came crashing, leaving viewers hungry for more.

We would have given Atunwa the movie a high five, but the ending and other over-prolonged, unnecessary scenes stole the shine away. 

For Atunwa it’s 5/10.

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