
Paedophile imprisoned for raping, infecting young niece with HIV


A 24-year-old Zimbabwean man has been condemned to 33 years in prison for raping his 9-year-old niece and infecting her with HIV.

The paedophile, who has been staying at the same house with his sister and her children, took advantage of his sister’s absence to rape his niece multiple times between March and April.

According to reports, the uncle would creep into the room where the minors sleep and rape the 9-year-old.

The 9-year-old shared the room with her younger sisters, aged four and two.

After revealing that the uncle was raping her after being questioned, the police took over the case and conducted a medical test that revealed the minor had been infected with HIV.

The man pleaded not guilty and made attempts to deny charges.

However, his deception did not work, and the magistrate found him chargeable after a full trial.

The court said that his sentence should deter other paedophiles like him and sentenced him to 33 years in prison.

The Chronicle reported that Maturure said;

“Her life has totally changed because of your actions. For rape you are sentenced to 18 years and deliberately infecting the complainant, 15 years.”

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