Life Style

Traditional outfit ideas for men, inspired by Enioluwa Adeoluwa

Traditional outfit ideas for men, inspired by Enioluwa Adeoluwa.

Enioluwa Adeoluwa has proven times without number that he has impeccable style. From street style to formal outfits, it is clear that the influencer knows his onions when it comes to fashion. Despite Enioluwa’s versatility in fashion, this article will be focusing on the traditional outfits he has worn so far, and they shall be used as a fashion inspiration for men.

Firstly, we have Enioluwa Adeoluwa in a three-layered milk colored ‘Agbada’. The ‘Agbada’ as Nigerians call it has an orange colored design around the chest area which looks like abstract art work. Enioluwa also added an orange cap, and dark brown dress shoes that matched the outfit perfectly.

Enioluwa Adeoluwa in a milk colored three-layered ‘Agbada’.

This second picture shows Enioluwa Adeoluwa in a green lace outfit that consists of a long sleeved shirt with a matching scarf, and green lace material that was wrapped around his waist. He added gold colored shoes that matched his fancy walking stick, and the end result is simply amazing.

Enioluwa Adeoluwa in a green lace outfit.

At number three, we have another ‘Agbada’ clothe, but this one came in a different color and style. The ‘Agbada’ in this picture has two layers , and dainty embroidery patterns around the chest. Enioluwa Adeoluwa added white traditional beads, a yellow Yoruba traditional cap, and brown dress shoes to complete the look.

Enioluwa Adeoluwa in two-layered ‘Agbada’.

This fourth outfit is a clear shoutout to our Ghanaian brothers because it was fashioned from ‘Kent’s’ material, which happens to be the Ghanaian traditional wear. Enioluwa Adeoluwa styled his to look like a long wrap-around dress, and he even added Ghanaian beads and their traditional cap for a full effect.

Enioluwa Adeoluwa in a Ghanaian ‘Kente’ outfit.

Lastly, we have an outfit that you must have seen at a lot of weddings because it seems to be a favorite among men. This is also an ‘Agbada’, but it is a more simplified and stylish version that is easy to make. It consists of an over-dress, with a long shirt and matching trousers underneath. Enioluwa Adeoluwa added red beads, red shoes, and blue walking stick that made him look magnificent.

Enioluwa Adeoluwa in an ‘Agbada’ with red shoes, red beads, and a blue walking stick.

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