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Actress Osamein breaks down in tears after man called her a prostitute

Actress Osamein

TV presenter cum actress, Yewande Osamein, has taken to social media to recount how she cried after a man called her a whore for parking on a road side.

The actress who grew up in England, via the microblogging platform revealed how a man randomly called her a whore and later apologized after he saw her wedding band. She further added that the experience made her cry as women do not deserve to be treated in such a manner whether married or not.

”To every man saying women are respected regardless of their marital status. I’d just like to say a man RANDOMLY called me a whore and a prostitute & told me I’m dirty a few days ago…then he apologised when he saw my wedding band. I sat in my car and cried for a bit.

So I was on a film set. I was waiting around in my car and decided to open my door, turn off my engine and come down. This guy pulls up to the car and starts screaming “CLOSE YOUR FUCKING DOOR”. Obviously I’m not going to waste my energy, so I gave him the side eye and ignored.

This obviously pissed him off, as he wasn’t getting the attention he wanted so badly. So he goes “YOU ARE A WHORE. Do you know that? You’re just a prostitute. You have all the traits of a whore” Of course I began to tell him how much of a scumbag he is! And we went back and forth

Then he comes back and decided he wants me to move the car. Bare in mind I’m not obstructing his gate. He lives opposite from where I parked. He comes back and calms down when he sees my wedding band. So I understand Sansa. I get her 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

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