Life Style

7 commandments every girlfriend and wife need to follow during the 2018 World Cup

With the ongoing World Cup, one cannot ignore the series of complaints coming from women as well as threats some relationships are suffering owing to the fact that the women in the relationship are ignorant to the ten commandments

Women are advised to adhere strictly to the following rules if you desire your relationship to be intact by the end of the football season, July 15th Lol!

1. Thou shall not pass in front of the TV during a match.

This is a capital offence that is punishable by getting shouted at like you are a nobody. If you have to pass, please crawl on the floor or fly like Superman. Thank you.

2. Thou shall not touch the remote control unless you have been given the clearance to do so

3. Thou shall avoid the following words if your man’s team loses,

It’s only a game!!! They’ll win next time!!!

4. Thou shall not say any player is hot….especially this guy below.

To you, there’s supposed to be only one hot man in the world and that’s the man watching TV. Your man.

5. Thou shall not ask silly questions such as “Is this Arsenal vs Brazil?”

6. Thou should inform thy friends not to wed or give birth during the World Cup weeks because…..

a) we will not attend…..b) we will not attend c) we will not attend …. d) all of the above.

7. Thou shall remain silent during all games unless you are asking “Do you want me serve you supper now my love?”

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