Entertainment News

”You must live pass methuselah” Netizen react as Aproko doctor reveals his preference for eating salad without cream

In a recent development, a netizen has reacted to a popular social media doctor known as Aproko Doctor, who recently shared a picture of his lunch.

He stated that he eats his salad without adding any cream to it, which is better for him. However, an overzealous social media user known as ManLikeCollins expressed that if, with his rigorous health routines, he does not leave past Methuselah in the Bible, he will be really pained.
In his words, he had this to say,

“If you no live pass Methuselah, it will really pain me.”

Aproko Doctor had advised Nigerians on how they should avoid heatstroke. He revealed that Nigerians should stay away from wearing long-sleeved outfits as well as suits because it could all contribute to headstroke.

Now, back in March of 2024, Aproko Doctor had reacted to the viral Milky Donuts. He had expressed his surprise on why the donuts, why everybody was going crazy for it.

He also stated that at the end of the day, it was just condensed milk and flour and he was surprised at why people loved it so much.

In January of 2024, Aproko Doctor had also warned netizens over using tissue to wipe their bum. He revealed that going forward, they should always use water and then after using water, they should wash their hands so that they do not have germs and bacteria.

He reported that this is because tissue paper cannot clean your bum as correctly as water would be able to.

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