Entertainment News

Where does your PVC direct you? – Comedian AY Makun asks

Nigerian comedian and celebrity influencer, AY Makun, has called on Nigerian youths to be more politically aware, asking where their PVCs will lead them.

The comedian had tweeted:

“Knowing that we have 70,473,990 under the age of 49 years out of the 93,469,008 total registered voters for the 2023 presidential election, with a percentage of about 75%, it is clear that the youth cannot be disregarded this time. So where does your PVC direct you?”

While reposting on his Instagram page, AY commented:

Can your level of Atikulation to this question be traced to your senses of Obedience in saying “EMI lokan” ?

Given his tweet and post description, there is no trace as to which party or presidential candidate he supports.

This, however, stirred responses from his followers who urged him to make his stand clear, and while others reprimanded him for not being straightforward, others supported his diplomacy.

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