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“What do they have against christian influencers?” – influencer Kirachaana questions Nigerian brands

In a recent development, media personality Kirachaana has lamented over the lack of jobs given to christian influencers.

She queried Nigerian brands over their inability to give Christian influencers the same treatment they give other influencers. She hinted at the fact that once an influencer declares herself as a Christian proudly on her page, brands in Nigerians stop reaching out to them.

Also recall that some weeks back, Kemi Filani had reported that Ifuennada had taken to her instagram page to gush over the joy of being a born again Christian.

In a recent interview, she gave information about her journey since she gave her life to Christ. We recall that in February back in 2023, the actress around her birthday period had come out to express that she has officially given her life to Christ. 

She shared the one-year journey of the entire process. She expressed that since she found Jesus, she has been happy and that it has also been extremely refreshing. She further revealed that there has been challenging moments, but she has no regrets for her decision.

Also, a few days ago, Kemi Filani had also reported that Ifuennada had shared her thoughts on Christians who boast about their sexual prowess. 

She slammed some people who were quick to come on social media disguising themselves as Christians while boasting about how good they are sexually eere going to hell. 

She further went on to express that while she is not against Christians being fallible, they should not try to promote sin and lead people astray. 

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