Entertainment News

We used to look forward to Christmas, things have changed now- Kunle Afolayan laments

Ace filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan has stated that people used to look forward to celebrating Christmas. The ‘Swallow’ producer said things have changed now.

In his words:” We all used to look forward to Christmas. But in this age and time, things have changed a little bit. I don’t have much bond to it. It’s just another holiday, and maybe a period to spend time with family, maybe travel with them. It’s not the Christmas that I experienced growing up. You won’t see people now killing chicken in the open anymore. And of course the carols that we used to do then, it’s not what they have now. That’s why with this film, I try to create the carols of that period. I really enjoyed the experience” he told NetflixQueue while sharing about ‘A Naija Christmas’.

Speaking further, Afolayan revealed that filmmaking is like blood that flows in his veins.

Here him:”Filmmaking is like the blood that flows in my veins. If blood stops flowing, it means I’m dead. Film is not just a means of livelihood to me. And it’s not just a work of art. For me, it gets my blood pumping. Right now, I’m even more challenged. If the likes of Spielberg, Scorsese, and Tunde Kelani are still out there making films, then who am I to feel like I’ve achieved or arrived? It’s just the beginning”.

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