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Celebrity stylist Toyin Lawani narrates how her son hates her husband Segun wealth

Toyin Lawani recounts how her son hated her husband

Celebrity stylist Toyin Lawani has recounted how she handled her son’s dislike for her husband, Segun Wealth, at the beginning of their relationship and after their wedding.

Toyin Lawani shared a lengthy post on her Instagram page alongside her baby bump photo and her son, Tenor.

Toyin said that when people have kids and want to get married, they should constantly reassure their kids that they come first because they feel threatened, won’t like the new man in their lives, and consistently compete for attention.

Using herself as a case study, Toyin Lawani said her son would always cry for no reason, always want to be with her and thought her marriage with Segun Wealth was a mere joke.

According to the celebrity style, she allowed her son to win in all that he wanted. However, many people think she was spoiling him, but she allowed it to make him fit in and love her husband with time.

She wrote: When u hv kids & u get married, u always hv2 always reassure them they come first, they first feel threatened, they won’t like ur partner, they will compete4 attention, they cry for no reason.

They want you to focus on only them, why didn’t you do that dance with me instead of unc segun, mom can I take a picture with u, I don’t want uncle segun inside, mom on ur wedding can I kiss u ist, mom shebi this wedding is a joke right.

I’m ur real husband, mom who do u love most? Mom is unc segun my step father , I don’t want him, mom I hate unc segun , what did he do to you, nothing, I just think you love him more than me.

Mom I want to sleep with you and unc segun , what happened to your room? Nothing , and guess what I let him win all through it all , some will say I’m spoiling him well, if that’s to let him fit in and adjust till he will love who I love.

I took all the chances and today the situation is different, tenor I’m going out , are you coming , no I want to stay with unc segun , we are going to the studio , i traveled for the ist time he didn’t call me once as usual he calls me 50times a day.

I called and I’m like whatsup mr tenor he said I’m busy with unc segun , I was so jealous, when I packed all my bags to leave for the airport he was sitting on the bed , he said whr are u going , I said I’m traveling, he said is unc segun going , I said no , he said ok bye.

I said same unc segun you said you hate wow , because unc segun too respects himself and tells @thereallordmaine you are number one husband o, I’m not dragging your mother with you , anything you say goes they fight like cat and dog daily,

He frowns his face like he wants to beat unc segun up , tenor what’s wrong , unc segun said I should go back outside and knock ,wait till I hear come in it’s a good habit now for him ,it was a lot of changes for him at ist but, I didn’t push him away or make a drastic change when I let my man into my life ,we walked through the steps together & it was like unc segun do normal or else number one husband will sack you.

Toyin Lawani
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